Need Suggestions About Airsoft Guns.


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Which of these guns should I get?

Neonfire M4 Freedom Fighter Electric Airsoft Rifle:

Sig Sauer 552 Commando Spring Softair Rifle:

I am having a tough time choosing. Also, can someone tell me if anyone has the Neonfire Freedom Fighter, is that a sturdy gun and will it last long? My friends have had a couple Neonfires which broke. We have had 2 Neonfire shotguns that have broke in the past. Now, if I were to get the M4, which I am leaning more towards (Cheap, comes with plenty of extras), Will it last me unlike those 2 shotguns?

Is the Sig Sauer any good? It looks amazing, but I am not sure if it would last long. As you can see, the M4 is an electric AEG and the Sig Sauer is a spring. Please help as I would like to order in the next couple of days.
Ionno what any of that stuff is...
But man, that m4 is cool looking.
I have a suggestion, do not, I REPEAT DO NOT, get :smoking: or :cheers: and then decide to have an air gun fight, those mother f*ckers hurt like hell.
I have been playing airsoft for a while. It is very fun. I was just sort of stumped when it comes to these guns. I don't know whether to buy the Sig which looks amazing or the M4 which is packed full of goodness + extras.

I would appreciate help. Thanks.
Go the 552, it has higher muzzle velocity, better range and a bigger clip :D, according to that site anyway
Don't bother with electric rifles with no blowback, for the same price you can get two solid metal desert eagles ... with full blowback ... they're awesome, and you'd get kudos for being leet with dual DEs :D
the sig looks good I have an electric AK and it does about 340 fps. and about 10rps on semi auto
Definately get the sig 552. My friend just got one, and its REALLY nice. Very high fps and acuraccy, metal trigger, and multiple ports for scopes and laser sights. Also, the sig 552 is made by a respectable company, while the neonfire is made by cheap communist slave labor in china. You can get the m4 if you want, (it IS full auto....) but if you get the sig you won't regret it!
I'm kinda glad this topic came up. I'm looking at getting a spring-based SA-80 (Because I like the gun and well, I wasn't planning on playing airsoft with it altough its a bonus!)

Problem is I have absolutly no idea about makers or any form of Maintenance

The two models I'm looking at are:

SA-80 Regular

Or the SA-80 Carbine

The maker is unknown which could be a problem....

Now is anyone able to give me any recommendations at all and if possible any other UK based shops that may have the same thing but better or cheaper.
I've got a spring-based Desert Eagle :). Unfortunately it is not metal, it's from APC (whatever that is). But it looks cool :)