Need to flash BIOS - raid drivers in the way


Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
I need to flash my BIOS. Downloaded the appropriate software, written a boot disk, started up, and couldn't get to my hard drive. I need to get to the harddrive because flashing from a floppy is a bad idea as there's not a lot of bandwidth pulling data offof a floppy :)

:rolling: my PC came with a Promise 378 RAID harddrive config, or whatever. Not entirely sure what that means :D but I have to load up drivers to get the drive recognized under DOS, right?

Anyone know do you go about doing that? I have a disk with the appropriate driver files on.


Jondy :stare:
jondyfun said:

I need to get to the harddrive because flashing from a floppy is a bad idea as there's not a lot of bandwidth pulling data offof a floppy :)


Just use the floppy. It's not like the flash is going to take hours.
( sorry to drag this up again, I forgot it was here but I really do need a solution :) )

According to the flashing software, I can't do it off floppy, because it can't supply the data fast enough. :(