Need to raise your credit score?

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Haha, thought it was an add didn't ya. :farmer:

Anyways, I was just sitting here looking through the forums and thinking to myself, "Hey, I'm bored as shit. I'll harass my credit card company!"

So I called the number on the back of my credit card, talked to a representative, and demanded that they raise my credit limit to 50,000 up from 700. Ahhahaah

Long story short, the "representative" asked me a bunch of questions about my finances. (I'm a poor ass college student.) and she said that they could raise it to 1,100 immediately. Needless to say I was somewhat shocked that I can raise my credit limit, and thereby my credit score by simply asking.

Someone else give it a try and post your results. BTW, credit card service lines are open 24/7, so might as well try it now. I just did it at 12:30 at night. I was shocked that it worked. o_O


- Was Bored
- Called to harass credit card company
- Credit card company raised my credit limit
- My credit score went up because I was bored
Hphm. Not a bad idea. I should try it one of these days when I'm bored too.
Guten Morgan.

I unfortunately am not old enough for a card of credit.
I might phone the bank and see if they'll clear my loan and credit card debt. I'm bored too.
Guten Morgan.

I unfortunately am not old enough for a card of credit.

Guten Morgen. Wie geht's es Ihnen?

Maybe they could do something about my credit, which thanks to some dickless bastard who stole my identity is now fukked up...
You dont build credit with a debit card noob. GL buying anything expensive!

*wishes I had a credit card*
You can get a Target card, and build credit with that.. if you really want to get into the capitalist america... if that goal is really important to you... ;/
Hmm, wonder if this kind of thing works in the UK.

I could do with a better mortgage deal.