Need UK dimensions for various things...

Jul 19, 2003
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I need these sizes:

A4 paper: 210x297 I believe, at least InDesign says so.
Jewel CD Case: (the front+spine+back inlay size, not the case size)
DVD Case: (front+spine+back)

Also I need a nice average size for things like Christmas/birthday cards.

I've checked google, but the last time I got sizes from their they didn't quite fit perfectly.
i h\thought a4 was IS (international standard)
15357 said:
i h\thought a4 was IS (international standard)
I'm sure you meant to say SI, short for Système International ;)
StardogChampion said:
I need these sizes:

A4 paper: 210x297 I believe, at least InDesign says so.
I can tell you right now that it's 21cm by 29.7cm. Notice a similarity? ;)