Need upgrade advice.


Jul 9, 2004
Reaction score
Currently I have a socket 939 agp mobo...
with a 6600gt
amd 64 3000
and 1 gb of ram

I believe my setup can last me atleast another year or two, if I upgrade to these: cpu:
this gpu:

I am going to college soon and I don't know if I will be able to bring my pc and all of that stuff.

My dilemma comes from whether I should upgrade my mobo too (to pciex) or does it not matter? thanks... also I dont play video games alot only when I have free time ie. summer... and I currently do not possess a summer job.
Bump the CPU to a dual core and the video to a 7800GT (or 7900GS) (if they are available in AGP) and it'll last another year.
I dont have much money lol unless you can give me a price range. becuase dual core i will have to buy two cpus... a new mobo and most likely a new psu. and maybe even a new case
Bump the CPU to a dual core and the video to a 7800GT (or 7900GS) (if they are available in AGP) and it'll last another year.

there is no such thing as a dual core 939 asfaik. you need AM2 motherboard.
so... upgrade? or...?

It's your money. It's going to much faster than what you have. the CPU seems cheap, and the graphics card seems to be the best one you can put in your AGP motherboard.

You should be able to play any XP game at a playable framerate.

When you upgrade again, you can always trade in the card, or use this PC as a 2nd PC.

If it works, immediately flll out the rebate forms and put them in the mailbox. Don't put it off.
It's your money. It's going to much faster than what you have. the CPU seems cheap, and the graphics card seems to be the best one you can put in your AGP motherboard.

You should be able to play any XP game at a playable framerate.

When you upgrade again, you can always trade in the card, or use this PC as a 2nd PC.

If it works, immediately flll out the rebate forms and put them in the mailbox. Don't put it off.

thanks/ :) maybe i will get a job or something.
$60 for the 2.4GHz CPU is a sure thing. Or you could OC. :D
Although I don't understand wanting to upgrade when you don't play video games much.
there is no such thing as a dual core 939 asfaik. you need AM2 motherboard.
AMD dual core chips were first released on Socket 939 silly. :p
This PC used to have a 3000+ CPU and I upgraded to Athlon X2 4600+ (dual core on socket 939) last summer. FYI there are very few Socket 939 CPUs left. They were discontinued last year (fall?) so stores are just running through what stock they have left.

If you want to make that machine last without spending a lot then don't get a new motherboard. It will just spread your funds thin if you are on a tight budget. There are pretty fast Graphic cards still being released on AGP. Some manufactures made the X1950 Pro for AGP and I think I've seen some of the new mid-range DX10 cards on AGP as well (Nvidia 8600? ATI 2600?). And you could upgrade the CPU (dual core highly recommended if it's in your budget).
$60 for the 2.4GHz CPU is a sure thing. Or you could OC. :D
Although I don't understand wanting to upgrade when you don't play video games much.
AMD dual core chips were first released on Socket 939 silly. :p
This PC used to have a 3000+ CPU and I upgraded to Athlon X2 4600+ (dual core on socket 939) last summer. FYI there are very few Socket 939 CPUs left. They were discontinued last year so stores are just running through what stock they have left.

If you want to make that machine last without spending a lot then don't get a new motherboard. It will just spread your funds thin. There are pretty fast Graphic cards still being released on AGP and you could upgrade the CPU (dual core highly recommended if it's in your budget).

Ya, I don't understand my intentions either. But I do hate getting fragged/killed because of my CPU's short coming or GPU's shortcoming... also do you think if I upgraded to a 4000+ that my 6600gt would perform better? or do you think I'd just get like 5 - 6fps boost... btw I am running on a 22 inch in 1680 x1450?? or something like that.
A new CPU would help very little with a 6600GT. But the GPU could use a huge boost. After you get a good GPU THEN think about a better CPU. (A better CPU can help with higher resolutions but only if you have the GPU to match)
I'd say look into some more RAM as well. 2GB of RAM is really nice when it comes to helping with certain programs, especially games with lots of resources.