Need Urgent Help Please!


Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Hi, I recently took my computer round a mate house for some Lan gaming on broadband. I restarted my computer about half way through the day and upon restart my computer started experiencing terrible performance in both games and applications. It wouldnt run counter-strike at 800X600 without choppy fps, it wouldnt even run a music program Renoise with lagging!

My machine then was an:
Athlon XP 2800+
Radeon 7200
512 MB RAM
Windows 2000

I have now purchased a 9800 Pro. I completely formatted my computer, reinstalled Windows 2000, installed the 9800 Pro. Still I have exactly the same problem, the new graphics card made the games look a bit nicer, but I still have terrible framerates on everything. Please if you have any idea help, as I dont have a clue whats gone wrong, it would be greatly appreciated, thankyou.
Belive me man, its your Radeon 7200, time teh upgrade :smoking:
I said above ive now got a 9800 pro and its made no difference
first off, do yourself a favor and ditch 2000. it sux ass for gaming. get xp (copied...obviously :)). ull instantly notice a performance increase. reinstall dx9.0b, install latest drivers from ati. if that doesnt work, download the manufacturer's drivers from their site (eg get 9800pro drivers from sapphire if your card is from sapphire). update your bios drivers, i was going to recommend cooling but that cant be the problem. have you tried any O/Cing yet?? if so revert them back to standard settings.

if those dont help them IM beat, ask around the forums. talk to 'asus' as he's the forum's tech geek :)
ah yes i have XP atm i was going to install it

I do not think this is to do with the graphics card because applications also run a lot slower than they should.
o damn i didnt see that part lol. have u disk cleaned up the drive(s) and defraged it/both? it may be the problem. virus scan it as the problem may lie in that lan connection, anything could've been transfered. use spybot search and destroy for any internet spyware u may have, as ive known spyware to slow my comp down.

if nothing else works, just completely reformat your hd and reinstall windows...soz but thats the best way of fixing any problem. ive had to do it twice. just be sure to save your important documents and save game files before u reformat.

hope this helps...good luck :D
Pureball said:
first off, do yourself a favor and ditch 2000. it sux ass for gaming. get xp (copied...obviously :)). ull instantly notice a performance increase.

I've not noticed a difference myself between performance from XP too 2000 pro...Seem the same to me...
ahha ive sorted it, i couldnt get into my bios before because i didnt know the password but i wiped it with the jumpers.

I changed my cpu speed to "manual", i think it was only running at 1.2 ghz before. That boosted the computer up majorly..

Now I just installed XP and ive noticed a big difference on farcry when running in XP rather than 2000, I get about 20 more fps in XP it rules.

Thanks to everyone that replied tho.
Yeah you gotta make sure those Athlon XP's are running at the correct speeds, the slowest XP isn't even as low as 1.2ghz, I think the lowest is 1.3. Your 2800+ should be running at 2.08ghz.
was gonna say, a 2800+ running at 1.2ghz, wtf were u doing lol. im never touching my bios again as changing voltages to the cpu for O/Cing, like i was told, just never works for me. if it isnt broke, dont fiddle in the bios to fix it...or just take the battery out for 20 mins to reset and try again...

your welcome btw and xp does rule :smoking:
Why the hell would anyone install Windows 2000 for BLOWS for gaming of any kind....coulda been worse, you could have had Windows ME on that was a pile of CRAP (not CODE, CRAP!!!!)
lol me shouldve been burnt. i had it...its just 98 on drugs ffs. no serious gamer should be without xp as it fully uses your hardware, but does require lots of ram to run happily. anyway, me sux, xp rules.
Actually you only really need to take that battery out of your board for about 20 seconds, not minutes, for it to reset. A great save when everything has gona awry.