Need your help getting a Facebook bug fixed


Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not sure if any of you are Facebook developers, but I need some help getting a bug fixed on the Facebook API platform.

It is filed here:

You can help by adding your votes to it (you have to register, but it would be a *huge* favor to me), which you do by clicking the "Vote for this bug" link in the "related actions" box on the left.

Thanks a bunch!
Crap... did I ever actually sign up for the facebook developers thing back when we were going to work on that thing?

I don't remember my username and password if I did. :o

EDIT: Nope... I wasn't registered. I will register though.
lol at having to vote for bugs to get them fixed.
@Vegeta, it makes sense I guess... Anyone can submit a bug, so this helps them figure out what devs are having the most problems with.

@Viper, lol@you... there are over 350 million people actively using Facebook, with half of them logged on at any given time. If you want to make money writing software on your own (which I do), Facebook is going to be the easiest way to get your idea to the masses.
BAM! 100 more votes.

Man... I have to say though, I ****ing hate Facebook. My family has all started to use it recently... my aunts, my uncles, my little cousins... even my god damn 9 year old cousin sent me a friend invite the other day.

My grandma on my dad's side... It's like... jesus christ, NO!

And thus, I refuse to do anything with my facebook other than have it registered. I still refused to in the past, but now it's extra reinforced.
You know, you can filter them out, and make the stuff you do not visible to them :D Thanks for the votes, guys.
@Vegeta, it makes sense I guess... Anyone can submit a bug, so this helps them figure out what devs are having the most problems with.

And we can see that this system is working very well.


"BAM! 100 more votes."

Yeah, this system is not prone to abuse at all.

You know, you can filter them out, and make the stuff you do not visible to them
But then his family is going to be all "oh noes what is wrong with raz" it's a catch 22 and it would be solved if facebook did not exist!
I didn't say it wasn't prone to abuse :D But it's better than guessing!
And we can see that this system is working very well.


"BAM! 100 more votes."

Yeah, this system is not prone to abuse at all.

But then his family is going to be all "oh noes what is wrong with raz" it's a catch 22 and it would be solved if facebook did not exist!

It gave me a quota of 100 votes... and I happened to use all of my quota on Dreamthrall's bug. How's that abuse? That's how their system works.