Neil Peart


  • YES!!!!!!

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • NO!!!!!!

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters


May 31, 2006
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He's the drummer for Rush (band from late 60's STILL PLAYIN'!) and he F*****' ROCKS on sooo many levels, he has a drumset that completly encircles him. He wrote and writes all the songs for the band's 18 albums. If you're a drummer LISTEN TO HIS DRUM SOLO'S!!! THEY ARE FLIPPIN' AMAZING!

and if you chose not the greatest, please leave your opinion!

if you haven't seen him... peart
watch before making your decision!
Wow, you're an...

Idiot :/

He's a great drummer, but definetly not the greatest.

Only a fanboy minded loony would say that.

But yes, he is an amazing drummer :)
lol, gotta up Rush, but then who do you suggest? i mean, watching him play Subdivisions is like watching... i dunno... but it takes me aback
Not many drummers could out-do Peart. He's certainly one of the greatest rock drummers. Unsure about in other genre's.
that mark Mike Portnoy thing didn't impress me at all. I have no desire to even search for another video by him or download any of his music should he be in a band...
He obviously has great feel and technique, but the best drummer alive? I don't think so.

I can't find good videos of my real favourite drummers, but there's a fair few in metal who I think outdo Peart.

I'm not the biggest fan of Derek Roddy but he has a metric ton of videos out there. Here's him doing 2 different styles:

Frost of Satyricon, not a very impressive vid, but you can see that he has nice technique and solid one footed blasting:

I hate Dimmu Borgir, but who can fail to like Nick Barker's drumming. Admittedly he triggers his kit senseless and his touch on the snare is a bit too light, but he has awesome feel. If he ever got himself into a decent band, I'd wear his fat face on a t-shirt. Another crappy clip, but it's all I can find. Some nice rolls (of fat):

Proscriptor of Absu is insanely talented, but all I can get of him, apart from a ridiculous interview, is this slightly embarrassing music video. He also performs all vocals when playing live afaik:

Inferno, Tony Laureano, Hellhammer, Gene Hoglan are all great metal drummers who I can't find any decent footage of.

My current favourite drummer is James Read of Axis of Advance. I saw him live with his own band Revenge and was just blown away by his onstage presence. Here's a short audio clip of an Axis of Advance song with him drumming (linked from the band's official page):
There's also a poor quality live clip of the band here for anyone sufficiently interested (scroll down to Axis of Advance):

I understand most of this stuff is hard to digest, let alone enjoy, if you're unaccustomed to extreme metal, but if you're interested in drumming you can't afford to let some of these guys slip under your radar. Of course it all depends on the type of style you enjoy, but I'd take any of the abovementioned over Neil peart.
Tony Royster, Jr.

He was 12 when he did this. Watch and learn...or cry! The kid was and is absolutely amazing!!!

BTW, its virtually impossible to pick with any sort of certainty the best anything in the world.
He's definitely up there, but I wouldn't rate him as the best. Maybe when it comes to pretentiousness... dude takes himself way too seriously.

Take a look at this video from his edumacational DVD -

A lengthy explanation, leading up to a barely impressive fill, and then he puts in a freakin ACTION REPLAY? Are you shitting me?

Also, last year he released another DVD entitled "Anatomy of a Drum Solo", in which he disects and examines EVERY LAST PIECE of his signature (Grammy® Nominated!) drum solo "O Baterista", which about scrapes 10 minutes long in the version I have (someone's already linked it in that video of YYZ, that's just a segment of it though).

Running time? 200 minutes -_-

And to clear something up, he doesn't write all the songs for Rush. In general, he writes the lyrics, and Geddy and guitar dude write the music (and obviously Neil takes care of the drums).

Anyway, all that said, he's a damn fine drummer, and atleast half the reason Moving Pictures is one of my most favouriteist albums evar.
*deep breath* ALSO! (sorry for the double post, was getting a bit lengthy)

MutantBeef said:
I like Mike Portnoy better than Neil. :)

Yeah, I probably prefer him style-wise (mostly cuz he's in Dream Theater), but Peart totally outstrips him skill-wise. And as someone already said, Peart was/is Portnoy's inspiration. Just look at his kit.

VictimOfScience said:
Tony Royster, Jr.


Just been looking at some videos of this kid, frickin amazing. He's only like a year or two older than me now, and he could play like 10x better than me 10 years ago! That's like... inspiring and depressing at the same time! :E ....... ;(

Here's some better videos from his recent DVD, I figure he's 18-20 in these. Simply goddamn amazing, he's earned his reputation as the 'prodigy'.

But yeah... when it comes to pure technique and drumming knowledge/prowess, you can't match the likes of Thomas Lang and Steve Smith (bass overshadows the drumming a little in this one, but it's the best video I could find... plus it's just damn cool) :)
Laivasse said:
He obviously has great feel and technique, but the best drummer alive? I don't think so.

I can't find good videos of my real favourite drummers, but there's a fair few in metal who I think outdo Peart.

I'm not the biggest fan of Derek Roddy but he has a metric ton of videos out there. Here's him doing 2 different styles:

Frost of Satyricon, not a very impressive vid, but you can see that he has nice technique and solid one footed blasting:

I hate Dimmu Borgir, but who can fail to like Nick Barker's drumming. Admittedly he triggers his kit senseless and his touch on the snare is a bit too light, but he has awesome feel. If he ever got himself into a decent band, I'd wear his fat face on a t-shirt. Another crappy clip, but it's all I can find. Some nice rolls (of fat):

Proscriptor of Absu is insanely talented, but all I can get of him, apart from a ridiculous interview, is this slightly embarrassing music video. He also performs all vocals when playing live afaik:

Inferno, Tony Laureano, Hellhammer, Gene Hoglan are all great metal drummers who I can't find any decent footage of.

My current favourite drummer is James Read of Axis of Advance. I saw him live with his own band Revenge and was just blown away by his onstage presence. Here's a short audio clip of an Axis of Advance song with him drumming (linked from the band's official page):
There's also a poor quality live clip of the band here for anyone sufficiently interested (scroll down to Axis of Advance):

I understand most of this stuff is hard to digest, let alone enjoy, if you're unaccustomed to extreme metal, but if you're interested in drumming you can't afford to let some of these guys slip under your radar. Of course it all depends on the type of style you enjoy, but I'd take any of the abovementioned over Neil peart.

I still think Peart out does any of those guys, sure they are fast, but as far as technique goes, I'd take Peart. They play like your average drummer but 5x faster.
mortiz said:
I still think Peart out does any of those guys, sure they are fast, but as far as technique goes, I'd take Peart. They play like your average drummer but 5x faster.

Many of the guys I linked are actually pretty moderate in speed, as far as metal goes. Nick Barker and James Read I don't think have ever clocked anything higher than 220bpm 16ths or blasting in a song, but are among the best of the bunch. I picked them mainly for their style, which I consider to be superior (combined, of course, with speed). Derek Roddy can blast and roll double kick consistently at 250bpm, has nice technique, and drums a lot of different styles but is probably my least favourite.

Plus, aside from maybe the Roddy vids, nothing I posted was the best example of each drummer's respective drumming.
speed requires training and stamina, not much on the skill. Lars Ulrich and Nicko Micbrain (not sure on the speeling hes from Iron Maiden) obviously aren't the fastest metal drummers, but they add some nice beats and fast elements into their songs which keeps tem balanced.

And to clear something up, he doesn't write all the songs for Rush. In general, he writes the lyrics, and Geddy and guitar dude write the music (and obviously Neil takes care of the drums).

well duh dude... can't have one guy in the band doing EVERYTHING! lol, but it's amazing and good to see that they still play and tour actively, none of the mainstream rock that comes out these days make it past 5 years together! (except for Greenday who should have stayed to their true roots since their old punk kicks ass and this "rock opera" licks.

I went to their concert in SA, Texas a few summers back for their 30TH! Anniversary and dang they can still kick it like they were 20, maybe even better.
Lars Ulrich is a terrible drummer tbh. Horribly inconsistent, simplistic and with awful fills (the same old slow ratatata on the snare). Watching Ulrich up the tempo is an example of sacrificing skill for speed, not the guys I mentioned. Maybe in the old days he could have been complimented for his drumming fitting the songs well, but he more than made up for that in recent years by being an obnoxious little shit.

But focussing on speed doesn't automatically mean a drummer is lacking anything else. It does mean people are less likely to pick up on the intricacy, apparently.
mortiz said:
I still think Peart out does any of those guys, sure they are fast, but as far as technique goes, I'd take Peart. They play like your average drummer but 5x faster.

Are you ****ing kidding me?

It's chops and rythm that make the drummer.

What the hell is technique, other than ones chops?

Don't think you know much about drumming :/
sinkoman said:
Are you ****ing kidding me?

It's chops and rythm that make the drummer.

What the hell is technique, other than ones chops?

The ability to use said chops to play complex arrangements with relative ease?

Also partially agreed about Lars. I don't mind some of his stuff, but most of his drumming on their more popular songs is bland as hell, rock drumming 101. Which is sad, cause some drummers can pull it off with finesse and make it sounds totally appropriate (Brad Wilk from Audioslave comes to mind), but Lars just seems to overplay even the most simple beat somehow.

I had a good chuckle to myself when I learned that Lars has actually had drumming lessons, while this guy is totally self-taught :D
Bad^Hat said:
The ability to use said chops to play complex arrangements with relative ease?

If you want to label your music (ugh), that falls more into Rythm and Style.

Saying goes You can have all the TECHNIQUE in the world, but with out STYLE, it's useless.

Style is how you feel something should be, how loud, how loose, how tight, how soft, maybe a flam here, a paradiddle there...
I know. You were talking about technique though, which is based on raw skill/knowledge more than style.

Agreed though, style, rhythm and groove (important word :p) are the most important things a drummer can posess. However he needs a good technique to back it up and make it sound solid, and yeah, the chops to pull off those crazy fills (in moderation ;)). It's only when the technique overshadows the groove/style that it becomes unimpressive (and what is a drummer if he can't keep in time... jokes aside).

Example - lang

Tell me the dude aint got style :D

Edit - Tired, sorry if that's a little hard to understand. Already had to edit twice >.>
Bad^Hat said:

Bah, not impressed.

He's got style, for sure (too much if you ask me, he did too many needless crossovers), but he has no groove.

He was just all "Flippity Floppity Fligity Bopity, look at me! So fast my hands! Woopity Dagity Frigity Bagity, I can FLAM FLAM! BRATATTATAT! Doesn't that sound cool?"

He was doing nothing more than a much faster tempo, and uber stylized version of your basic 1, 2 beat.

Jazz drummers got GROOVE. They can FLOW with the music. They can assist and create, rather than take center stage (like in the video you showed me).

Don't take this the wrong way though, i'm not trying to say i'm better than that guy (omfg, did you see his chops? Sweet), but that video wasn't all that great :/

Not to mention he was using a double kick. N00b peddals ftl.
It's called playing with flair, of course he was centre stage, it's a demonstration piece from his DVD. Thar was meant to demonstrate technique and style more than groove.

Never let it be said Thomas can't groove though, he's a renowned studio drummer and drums mainly for pop style bands live, which requires him to play very contemporary and groove under the music. His motto is to practice complex grooves and techniques not just so that he may become more skilled at them, but so he can play simpler grooves with utmost comfort, confidence and ease.