Neon Bible


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Havent seen any discussion on the new Arcade Fire album, although I haven't been checking the 'Waht are you listening to now' thread. Thought it was worthy of a new thread.

I am really liking it. Its hard for me to say that too. Those of you who feel like you've discovered a new band may feel the same - when that band gains widespread recognition you feel like you've joined the bandwagon and no longer want to say that you are a fan etc (thats the elitist me talking:P).

I think this album more than lives up to the hype, there are a number of really good tracks (Keep the Car Running, Intervention and No Cars Go come to mind). Good stuff.

Another new album I am liking and highly recommend is the new LCD Soundsystem album - excellent.

And in other news J_Tweedy has so far resisted the urge to download Sky Blue Sky (the new Wilco album) but im eargerly waiting its release :D)
Ahh soo disappointed in this album. The only good songs are No Cars Go, which is actually off of their very first demo, and Intervention, which was released as a live radio track around the time Funeral came out. The rest is just boring, the lyrics are laughably bad. I wanted soooo badly to love this, even just like it. But I just can`t
meh that was ages ago :P, consider this a post-release discussion then :D
I haven't heard their old stuff yet, but they're new stuff makes me want to stab myself in the face.

Last time i checked, anything that makes you want to stab yourself is a bad thing : /