Neotokyo Revealed


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Neotokyo is a MOD based around Tokyo 30 years in the future. Only now, Tokyo has become a wasteland thanks to government and corporate corruption. Neotokyo will include futuristic weaponry and gadgetry and two opposing forces: The NSF and Jinrai. Here are a few screenshots that show off some of Neotokyo's impressive scenery and weaponry:[br]

Neotokyo takes place in and around a fictionalized Tokyo approximately 30 years in the future. Mankind has begun to fuse with technology. Government and corporate corruption have transformed Tokyo into a deadly dystopian nightmare. After a near-successful military coup by ranking members of Jinrai, the National Security Force (NSF) is formed - answering directly to the Prime Minister, its mission is to investigate and eliminate all threats to Japan, both abroad and at home. The initial core of the NSF is made from an exodus from within the intelligence branch of the military. With this betrayal begins the war in the shadows between the NSF and Jinrai.

More information on Neotokyo can be found at NeoTokyo's official website, and a brand new informational fan site, NeoTokyo Safehouse.
seems that they have very skilled members making this mod
Oh, my bad there. That will be fixed. Anyhow, this MOD does look like it is being developed by a well trained team. I personally cannot wait to see this MOD playable through a Beta version because Neotokyo contains so much potential. Some very nice things happening with this MOD.
Those weapons look interesting. Not sure how the second one would work though.
it looks very cool. i like the manga feel of it, it reminds me of masamune shirows work; creator of "ghost in the shell".

for the concept artist: youre doing a very very good job, just the way i would do it....

nice work guys :cheers:

looks like it could have a really good style. Just hope the gameplay is good as well.
Played this for a while on UT 2k4 - was pretty decent... but had a bad community.
The guy who makes the art; pushBAK; is a god - amazing tallent. His work is what carries this mod.
The only thing is that Dystopia seems to have a similar style and is a lot more finnished. Time, as usual, will tell.
As soon as I saw the title I thaught of the game Deus Ex, then I saw the picture and the information about NSF and then I thaught of Dues Ex more... I guess the game play will be compleatly diffrent but I love the Idea.

The future in cities like this with technologie and guns, gangs and what not.
how did they fix that with the bullet indicator ... can someone give the code :D ? i know the modding team wont, but i need it really bad ..

DuB said:
...The only thing is that Dystopia seems to have a similar style and is a lot more finnished. Time, as usual, will tell.

With the exception of an exterior or two, I don't see the similarities at all. It's early for Dystopia, but the character models are very Western to me. It looks like it will be a heck of a mod, but I doubt many will confuse the two mods...

I'm anxious to get my hands on NeoT for Source though. I loved the concept and the visuals of the UT2K4 game, but the Unreal engine was always too....cartoony (?) for me to immerse myself into. Unreal gave you that feeling like you pumping a few quarters into an arcade game. It's cool, but not the experience I want from NeoT. It's looking really nice guys. Keep up the quality work and give us a winner when you can. :)
I'll be a downloadin this one when it comes out.
Also, nobody's said this so I will take it upon myself to risk bricks being hurled at me:
"hmmm they could call it Dystokyo"
Wow, I've never heard of a story similar to that one, ever.

Flamin-h said:
As soon as I saw the title I thaught of the game Deus Ex, then I saw the picture and the information about NSF and then I thaught of Dues Ex more...

Hehe, same here. Deus Ex is the best game ever imo.
Revealed? Neotokyo announced it would be a HL2 mod a long time ago.

/me twiddles thumbs..
I guess revealed would be the wrong word to use, but it is being revealed to the people who don't already know about this MOD. There are a lot of people, including myself until just yesterday, that didn't contain knowledge of NeoTokyo's existence.
Great mod for UT2K4, always pissed me off that no one ever played it. Looked really fun. Hope their success is much greater on Source.
I've been close to this mod for a while now, and their work is really bloody good.
The Half Life 2 version is going to blow the old UT version out of the water, both graphically and gameplaywise (the old version was actually just a test version).

The NT fansite is certainly a good place to watch for updates though, so keep watching
Looks great :)

Love the look of the guns - very stylish - another MOD to add to the list ;)