Neotokyo - Website and Media Update



Neotokyo has released their new website with a neat flash media archive and some ambient music. The pictures are changed by clicking on the arrows on either side of the screen. Enjoy :cheers:

History: The mod released for UT2k4, when I started to play it. The Unreal development occured as a proof of concept due to HL2's delays, and quickly turned into a more or less 'full mod' with several maps, a variety of weapons, and 3 player classes. Now that HL2 has been released, team Radi-8 has been focusing on the Neotokyo release for Source, but keeping quiet about their work until now.
very nice music and art work, whats the name of the song?
I hope you have browesed through the images. They are really nice. Pls GO and watch the pics, go pls