Neptune's Devolution.


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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A simple, light-hearted, apocolyptic theory for the human race :)

screw with this evolution crap. it's over now and its going to go backwards. we are now devolving as a race. take a look around. the less intelligent of our species tend to produce more offspring and pollute our gene-pool when compared to the more intellectual members of the human race. good evidence for this would be the 'chav' situation in britian. these 'people' often show very primitive behaviour (i dont need to get into that do i?) and wander around aimlessly in groups (or tribes). all these 'chav' people (there ARE a hell of a lot of them remember) in 10 years time are going to be the next generation of adults. think about it. for example if each one (from a family with 4 kids) grows up with fellow chavs and has another family of four kids and all the siblings do. after 3 generations thats 4 to the power of 3 (64) chavs all from one!! eventually the population will degenerate to mass of uneducated, primitive, futureless morons (even moreso than today!) hopefully the human race will have devised a way to prevent this from occurring. maybe banning stupid people from reproducing. or baning stupid ppl full stop. we should start the massacre now, BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!! grab your shotguns and get them loaded!
Some guy from said:
I don't mean kill them, but why don't we just remove all the warning labels of everything and let the problem solve itself?
QFT :p
When the world starts massacring stupid people, this thread will be the first stop.
Who will do they jobs the snotty people don't like?

Me and all the other scumbags.

You can't just delete stupid people from the planet, you need a healthy ratio of everything from Paris Hilton to Albert Einstein.
Now I have an irrational hate of scallies (I refuse to use the word "chav") as much as the next middle-class man, but thinking of them, as they are now, as the next generation of adults isn't really right. Sure they're delinquents and tossers now, but they won't be AS bad in the future.
They'll HAVE to get jobs, they'll HAVE to play the system a bit, and EVERYONE looks back on themselves and thinks "What I tosser I once was."

Of course there'll ALWAYS be scumbags and many of them will come from scally backgrounds, but let's not write off the coming generation of adults because some of the current ones f*cked up.
Well, not just yet at least.
STEP 1: Hereditary Disease Killing
Everyone with a hereditary disease is killed. Simple as.

STEP 2: Worldwide IQ Test
Everyone gets an IQ test, with a certain average mark to pass, don't reach that and you get killed, no ifs or buts.

STEP 3: Physical Appearance
Everyone who is overweight or unattractive to the majority of people is killed.

STEP 4: Ethnic Mixing

All families are sent to various places across the globe, so that different races live in more mixed societies to reduce possible racism.

STEP 5: Partay.
A worldwide party to celebrate this new Earth and regulated humanity. BYOB.

This is not serious.
STEP 4: Ethnic Mixing
All families are sent to various places across the globe, so that different races live in more mixed societies to reduce possible racism.
This is actually quite interesting, just not forced :p
A friend of mine (and to an extent me too) are thinking that accent and the ability to annunciate properly ought to be criteria also.

But I wholeheartedly agree with mixing-of-the-minglings-of-the-races-and-the-spleandour.
el Chi said:
A friend of mine (and to an extent me too) are thinking that accent and the ability to annunciate properly ought to be criteria also.
this one to [/sarcasm] :p
Nah all the clever people will need stupid people to work for them.
dekstar said:
Nah all the clever people will need stupid people to work for them.

Great. Now we just have to subdue stupid people with drugs and brain surgery. :D
Que-Ever said:
No, don't get rid of meee!
stop complaining, remember the rules? that means no food! now get back into your cage and stitch those wallets dammit!!
This is silly. Just because people are unintelligent.......

Some really stupid parents sometimes give birth to very intelligent kids, yada
Skaadi said:
This is silly. Just because people are unintelligent.......

Some really stupid parents sometimes give birth to very intelligent kids, yada
that is why we don't kill them until we can tell how intelligent they are.