*************.net Needs Mods

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Oct 8, 2004
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Hey guys im the owner of ***************.net
I was just wondering what you guys think about my site.
Right now I am in great need for members, admins, and moderators.
I need reporters, Graphic Designers, admins & Moderators (For the Forums), and maybe someone to take screenshots and post them :).

Just wondering guys :E
I would be happy to help with anything probably modertor positition and Screenshot taker if your interested.

EDIT:just registered on the forums shall hang out there and hee now :p
Yes im very interested :sniper: Register and send me a pm with what you are able to help :)
I can certainly help. I'm handy with photoshop and useful in creative design, also quite eloquen in speech and will gladly rebuke those who are wrongdoers (ie. supervillians) I'll register and throw ya a line.
its all about being a mod! I suck at photoshopping lol
I would be glad to help, Im very fluent in photoshop, flash, and numorous 3d programs if you decided to incorperate in any flash or 3d in the site. Im very big into the multimedia aspect in computers. I also have a good system to take pics in as well. Ill sign up now tell me what you think/
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