Network Problem During Install


Shallow Hal

Setup -

PC1 - Desktop with adequate hardware, connected to Linsksys BEFW11S4 by wireless card.

PC2 - Desktop with adequate hardware connected to Linksys BEFW11S4 via ethernet cable.

Both with WinXP SP2, firewalls disabled on both - essentially identical. Linksys has static IP addressing, all ports are opened as necessary. Both pc's connect to internet without problem.

Just tried to install HL2 onto PC1 (i.e. using wireless. Get through all the installation routine, copies all the files to my pc, it downloads the updates, I log on using my steam account then, when it is supposed to start downloading the decryption stuff the whole process freezes for about 5 seconds, then the network disconnects itself and I get the error message:

"Steam - Error

Could not connect to Steam network. This could be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the Steam network. Please visit for more info."

I then get to click OK, which closes the Steam install down. Give it another 5 seconds and the connection comes back up again and I am back in touch with the web. Run through the process again and again the network disconnects. This has only happened since I have installed HL2 - previously all worked fine connecting to Steam - it only appears to do this now that it needs those decryption files. Have run a continuous ping whilst doing this - it runs as normal, then gets Host Cannot Be Reached, then Hardware Error (at same time, the wireless icon disappears from the system tray) then Steam gives me the above message, and it reconnects instantly.

Have checked all the usual suspects in this thread and am inclined to think it is something to do with the wireless network card, but this only happens for this single app - nothing else takes out the wireless connection.

Odd thing is that PC2, connected physically to the Linksys router, connects without problem and allows me to install and play without taking my network connection down.

Anyone got any ideas?

No-one got any thoughts on what could be causing this?