New Afghan Strategy


Oct 21, 2009
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NATO commanders are looking at this "talk and fight" strategy as a viable option, as the war seems to have reached an impasse. However there is an argument for and against this.

The turnaround has happened not because Nato is winning, but because Nato is perceived to be "not winning" or at best in a stalemate in the war against the Taliban.


U.S. and NATO troops have not made significant inroads into the Taliban or the Taliban seems to be adapting and shifting their strategy accordingly.

Pakistani troops have stopped their offensive against the Taliban for this year, providing them with a breather.

Popular opinion in the countries that have sent troops is dipping. More months with the same casualty rates will not help the cause.


There are signs that Taliban may be weakening and losing support. In a survey done last year, 90% of Afghans blamed Taliban for the violence, instead of western troops, up 30% from 2008. Also in the recent attacks in Kabul, when Taliban fighters attacked the local cinema and mall, instead of shooting everyone, they ordered everyone out. This could be a sign that Taliban are no longer willing to risk high collateral damage.

Afghan National Army, are showing signs that they may be strengthening. In the attack in Kabul, the Afghan security forces regained control in hours with minimal western military supervision.

So in your opinion what do you think ? Should NATO and Afghan government talk to Taliban to persuade the low level fighters to quit ? Or should we aim to defeat them ?
We must stay and defeat the Taliban, they are the enemies of civilised humanity.
Use megaphones and tell them to give up their useless fight and avoid throwing their lives away against combined superior forces.
We must stay and defeat the Taliban, they are the enemies of civilised humanity.


the coalition should make a complete about face and negotiate with the taliban. oh wait they are and have been for years. the taliban is an umbrella term, much like al qaeda. there are some factions that wish to negotiate and there are factions that will never negotiate so long as a foreign power is occupying their territory
When are you enlisting?
In what army? The Irish defence forces aren't recruiting nor engaged in Afghanistan and I couldn't join the British army whilst the North of Ireland is still under occupation.
We can't let the quagmire in Iraq overshadow the importance of dismantling these organizations. If it's true that they have lost the majority of their support then it's absolutely worth the fight imo...
In what army? The Irish defence forces aren't recruiting nor engaged in Afghanistan and I couldn't join the British army whilst the North of Ireland is still under occupation.

We can't let the quagmire in Iraq overshadow the importance of dismantling these organizations.

I think the opposite is true: Afghanistan is quickly overshadowing the quagmire that is iraq

the US/Coalition rules by proxy. they support one faction over another and this continually leads to escalation of conflict as one faction tries to assert power over another. there is no end in sight for afghanistan
Nuke it, wait 50 years, sell new lakeside property. Great fishing.

Seriously, though: I think we keep fighting, but don't totally block ourselves off from the idea of a ceasefire. The only problem is trust. I don't blame anyone for thinking they wouldn't hold up to a ceasefire.
Nuke it, wait 50 years, sell new lakeside property. Great fishing.

Seriously, though: I think we keep fighting, but don't totally block ourselves off from the idea of a ceasefire. The only problem is trust. I don't blame anyone for thinking they wouldn't hold up to a ceasefire.

There will never be a ceasefire by either side, the most that would happen would be the coalition forces withdrawing.

i'm for your nuke idea, big explosions solve everything :)
The nuke talk is pretty disgusting to be honest. I know you guys are joking, but it's not all that clear. Makes me wonder if you think we're fighting Afganistan rather than the taliban...
The nuke talk is pretty disgusting to be honest. I know you guys are joking, but it's not all that clear. Makes me wonder if you think we're fighting Afganistan rather than the taliban...

Nukes do suck in general. We're fighting an ideology and its followers, not an actual state, so there's no real way to nuke it even if we wanted to (which we don't).