New "Alan Wake" media

I think the pictures speak for themselves.
pretty freakin impressive if only the gameplay could be up to par with the graphics ..failing that, it'll be another doom3: pretty to look at but not worth much else

the premise of the game does sound promising though
i swear its real, it has to be...and PCGamer talked about Max Payne being on the way to photo-realism, but this, this is truly on the way
CptStern said:
pretty freakin impressive if only the gameplay could be up to par with the graphics ..failing that, it'll be another doom3: pretty to look at but not worth much else

the premise of the game does sound promising though

Remedy makes story driven games. You ever play Max Payne? Think of that.
omg that video was amazing, truly looks next gen, brilliant.
Wow, very nice. I'll defo be getting an XBOX360 anyway, so I can't wait.
DeusExMachinia said:
Remedy makes story driven games. You ever play Max Payne? Think of that.

yes, I've played MP ...brilliant game(s) but predictable after awhile
Looks very pretty. I hope its got a good storyline. And GAMEPLAY. I don't just want to play a pretty game.
This game looks truly amazing and a fine addition to the next-gen cause. I suspect that they won't fail on the gameplay end of it either--the story is one that requires good gameplay for the telling(but we'll see, obviously).

Doom3 was very pretty and was even fun for a short time, but I can't wait for The Dark Mod(Thief mod for doom3 engine) to be released. Thief3 is one of my favorite games right now, but it pains me to think of what it could have been with a better engine behind it...I won't have to wait too much longer!
VictimOfScience said:
Doom3 was very pretty and was even fun for a short time, but I can't wait for The Dark Mod(Thief mod for doom3 engine) to be released. Thief3 is one of my favorite games right now, but it pains me to think of what it could have been with a better engine behind it...I won't have to wait too much longer!
yeah, but Doom 3 lacked good gameplay, which Max Payne had, and they were even smart enough to make the game short so you wouldn;t get bored doing the same dive over and over again
Icarusintel said:
did you buy Doom 3?

No, but i've played it for a while at a friends house, i couldn't get into it, i tried so hard. It just didn't intrest me, i felt bored while playing it. :sleep:
Icarusintel said:
yeah, but Doom 3 lacked good gameplay, which Max Payne had, and they were even smart enough to make the game short so you wouldn;t get bored doing the same dive over and over again

I mostly agree, but Thief3 had some great gameplay elements(though I think that the console development considerations hurt the game by including some lousy elements and excluding other great ones). It was also just long enough to tell the story and provide varied nifty challenges while not bogging the gamer down in repetitive tripe.
Ren.182 said:
No, but i've played it for a while at a friends house, i couldn't get into it, i tried so hard. It just didn't intrest me, i felt bored while playing it. :sleep:
good man, i sadly made the mistake of purchasing it, and i've been wishing i hadn't ever since the first hour of gameplay ended
Please do not taint my sacred Alan Wake thread with references to the abomination known as Doom 3.
Please do not taint my sacred Alan Wake thread with references to the abomination known as Doom 3.
i'm sorry, I was just using it as an example of the polar opposite of what Alan Wake will be
Is the torrent video the same as the extended trailer on ign? Because that was amazing.
I'm really intrigued as to how Alan Wake will turn out. The gorgeous visuals are a given, but I wonder what the gameplay will be like. Right now it seems like some strange Twin Peaks shit with a touch of Silent Hill.
Absinthe said:
I'm really intrigued as to how Alan Wake will turn out. The gorgeous visuals are a given, but I wonder what the gameplay will be like. Right now it seems like some strange Twin Peaks shit with a touch of Silent Hill.

Yes, the developers were greatly inspired by Twin Peaks and Lynch movies. As Max Payne 1 and 2 were tributes to film noir, expect Alan Wake to be a tribute to mind**** movies. My favorites.
Lynch madness is good madness.

Bring on the mind****.
craig said:
Wow, very nice. I'll defo be getting an XBOX360 anyway, so I can't wait.

This game is too good for X-box.
This game is For PC!!!
Who cares, it might even be better on the 360. This reminds me of a cross between Silent Hill and the last Gabriel Knight game. Very cool indeed.
AgentXen said:
This game is too good for X-box.
This game is For PC!!!

xbox360 not xbox

and the first screen looks really amazing
Wow, the trailer was great. Is the game like Resident Evil/Silent Hill driven; question really is, is it an FPS (or Third, ala MP).

The setting looks really GOOD. I hope there's a free roam in that game. I wanna be able to pretend to live there.
Sober said:
Wow, the trailer was great. Is the game like Resident Evil/Silent Hill driven; question really is, is it an FPS (or Third, ala MP).

The setting looks really GOOD. I hope there's a free roam in that game. I wanna be able to pretend to live there.

Third person, David Lynch style. Remedy said there's a...kind of free roam. We can drive vehicles and talk to NPCs for information.
DeusExMachinia said:
Third person, David Lynch style. Remedy said there's a...kind of free roam. We can drive vehicles and talk to NPCs for information.

What exactly is David Lynch style?
A David Lynch film = Very Weird and stylized, replete with symbolism and iconography like fire, smoke, electricity, red drapes, dogs, and trains and thematically concerned with Good vs. Evil/Light vs. Dark.

The AW trailer has elements of The Shinning, Silent Hill, and In The Mouth Of Madness, all wrapped-up into one crazy looking game! Should be a hell of a play(assuming the controls or something similar aren't flubbed)...Remedy has a pretty good track record, though, so my worries are minimal and my hopes are sky-high!
Very nice! The atmosphere and detail of the city is stunning. Thanks for posting!
CptStern said:
pretty freakin impressive if only the gameplay could be up to par with the graphics ..failing that, it'll be another doom3: pretty to look at but not worth much else

the premise of the game does sound promising though
Doom 3 was made for the sole purpose of showing off ID's engine. Chances are they make most of their money off selling their engine, not their games.
Unbelievable :O

I doubt this game will run on my 9800 heh.