New american nickel...


Dec 4, 2004
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There has been a new nickel out for like 4 months and I haven't even noticed until today. It is pretty cool, It's got Thomas Jefferson and a buffalo....Am I the last one to notice this? (besides the brits)
No, but I think you're the first one to care.
Nope...I had no idea there was a new nickel.

*runs to bank to trade in an old nickel for a new SUPER nickel*
Whoop-di-frickin'-doo! I will spend it anyway, so I try not to get attached.
I should look at my nickels more often.
I hate change. If its below quarters, its useless. Unless you want to piss of the fast-food people by paying with pennies and nickels.
MarcoPollo, just a suggestion, maybe you should hold off on the daily new threads. :O
vegeta897 said:
MarcoPollo, just a suggestion, maybe you should hold off on the daily new threads. :O

Bah, I just make em as they come to me. I probably wont make another thread for a long time. I just thought it was funny, I didn't notice for like 4 months.
Sorry, I must of missed the parade. I was too busy feeding the homless while my dad was being shot at over in Iraq and my while my Uncle contracted Cancer. Sorry.
Feath said:
I miss the old 50p, 10p and 5p coins.
You could kill someone with the old 50p without even throwing it. It was thicker, right? I can hardly remember.
StardogChampion said:
You could kill someone with the old 50p without even throwing it. It was thicker, right? I can hardly remember.

Yeah. Really chunky.
I live in Canada. So woo.

I'm sick and tired of the billions of different 'limited edition' quarters floating around here, though.
MarcoPollo said:
There has been a new nickel out for like 4 months and I haven't even noticed until today. It is pretty cool, It's got Thomas Jefferson and a buffalo....Am I the last one to notice this? (besides the brits)

What are you talking about, we've known for quite sometime. Okay I have anyway, I stumbled across a news article quite sometime ago
Oye alright empty them pockets?
Yeah what's that? 20p

That's my 20p now.
aye, that's right. I didn't care for the old 5p bits though.
Hmm. Thanks for pointing it out; I probably would never have noticed, or if I had it'd be in 20 years or so. Can you imagine?

"Hey, is this a new nickel?"
"No dude, they've been using those for like 30 years..."
"... eh."
jonbob said:
aye, that's right. I didn't care for the old 5p bits though.

New 10p and old 5p are very similar. I've sometimes got an old 5p and thought it was a 10p.