new ATI cards at compusa


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
I work at CompUSA and we got shippment of Radeon 9800XT, Radeon 9600SE and All-in-wonder 9600 PRO. They all come with HL2 offer.
Unfortunately we didn't get the damn 9600 XT that I am waiting for !
I just got email informing me that my new motherboard and CPU have been shipped, so now I got all components to build my brand new machine EXCEPT 9600 XT card..that sucks.
I will have to put in my existing GF4TI4200 and then replace it with radeon whenever it comes out which will (i am sure) screw up my video drivers..
any idea when 9600 xt will ship to retail?
hehe.. I kinda find it funny that someone who works at CompUSA is asking OTHERS when the 9600xts are supposed to arrive ;)

Anyhow, I myself have no idea when they'll arrive at retail stores, I do know various websites have them for purchase
well its kinda weird but there is no way of knowing WHEN exactly we will get anything..
i talked to my manager about it, only thing i know is the price and that we got 8 units on order
lol, I wasn't trying to be snappy, if that's what I came off as, sorry about that =)

But anyhow, buying cards online is alot cheaper than in stores

Edit: But then again, there are advantages to buying in a store.. like being able to return it without having to pay shipping if it explodes, or something, lol
well no
the advantage of buying it in store is that I will get CompUSA replacement plan on it, and next year I will just take it back, say its broken and get brand new card for the money I paid now. wohooo :)
yeah yeah.. lol, that's what I'm saying, stores do have advantages, I admit :) I feel a little more.. secure when I purchase hardware in stores, but the prices online are usually just too good to resist

Oh and, I think I should stop replying so much, I have too many "Last Replies" on the hardware page, I feel like an idiot

I gotta say though, I think CompUSA is one of the best stores to buy from, especially the service department that'll answer any questions you have (When I originally bought a TNT2 from them, I was unsure of what AGP was, all I knew was that I didn't have an AGP slot, and they helped answer the question)
yeah well that depends on who you are talking to..
i have no problems explaining what AGP slot is but start talking about laser printers and I am screwed heh
have you noticed any price adjustments on the other radeon cards. ie the 9800 pro? i just bought that card and was wondering if the price went down if i would be able to get the difference back. what is compusa's policy on that sort of thing?
hmm no those prices havent changed yet I think
technically the new ones are still not even in the system, yesterday day it says they are still on order even though we already got them
I am not sure when will the price drop but I am sure it will.
There also might be some rebate..we had $30 rebates on 9600 pro and regular one in last weeks