New Banner Placement

No Limit

Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
I know you guys have to make your money to pay for these servers but do these banners really have to mess up the design so badly. May I recommend moving the very top banner down to where you have the text banners and simply remove the text banners all together. Even adding a 720x90 leaderboard there would look a lot better than what you have now and from my personal experiance it will probably give you a better CTR anyway. These are just fugly the way they are set up right now.
I was waiting for someone to create a thread for this :P

I don't mind the very top one, next to d0g, but the one under the site path just p*sses me off.
The top one is fine, good placement imo. I don't mind the text one either.
**** you Google ads!
Eugh, the Google ad in the logo is kinda intrusive, but if it makes monies for hosting then it's all for a good cause I suppose.
It would be cool if there were Project Wonderful ads on here.

Aren't google ads based on clicks? Has anyone ever clicked one 0_0
The monies are going to a good wallet :D
Steam-pressed monies! :D
I kinda like it. It's well blended, and that area was pretty barren as it was. The background for the link unit is a bit off, at least on my monitor.
Sorry, just trying to find out a few things to get a good balance of income and advert presentation that doesn't piss people off. I think the links will be going later don't worry.
aesthetically speaking the ads in the top banner are about as attractive as watching a 90 year-old take a crap, but if it's for a good cause i could deal with it.

still, i'd rather it was a bit less intrusive feeling.
You hardly notice it though when reading threads/posts. I certainly never bother looking up there.
You hardly notice it though when reading threads/posts. I certainly never bother looking up there.

A delicate balance between placing them where you'll get clicks and yet where they won't intrude.
Someone should just make a "Click the ads!" thread, and bump it once in a while :P
Turn off Ad Block Plus, if you have it. You'll be able to see them after a refresh. I have Mozilla and I just shut off ABP, and I saw them. They aren't THAT bad.

Just clicked them about 75 times. Firefox gonna die. Oh shit.
I appreciate your efforts clicking the ads to support us. However clicking them a large number of times in a short space of time could make us look like we're abusing the system and would be kicked off the ad scheme. Just 2 clicks a day would be great, thank you :)
Just 2 clicks a day would be great, thank you :)
Er, aren't you not allowed to tell us to click the ads?

*psst come on everybody lets get google ads bant from click click click click click*
Turn off Ad Block Plus, if you have it. You'll be able to see them after a refresh. I have Mozilla and I just shut off ABP, and I saw them. They aren't THAT bad.

Just clicked them about 75 times. Firefox gonna die. Oh shit.
Alex you ****tard...:sleep:
Horizontal scroll bar for any resolution under 1280x1024. That sucks.
Er, aren't you not allowed to tell us to click the ads?

*psst come on everybody lets get google ads bant from click click click click click*

I just mean if you insist on clicking them you don't need to do any more then 2 clicks. I certainly don't want people clicking 75 times every day.
Yes I understand but the last thing you said is kind of pushing it. "2 clicks a day would be great, thanks" is sort of ehhh... encouraging us to click the ads.

If I had a lawyer! *shakes fist*
There are about 50 regulars here. How much would every one of us have to pay 1 time to make up for the money made by the ads.
Just speaking hypothetically.
Munro, you might do better with staight-up ad sales, I mean, you've got the traffic. Just look at the main forum list and the number of views (not counting sub forums). A little more work, but a few well heeled sponsers could probably set you up...
Whaddya know, 127 tabs in Firefox only takes up 455MB of RAM.

Don't worry Munro, it was all of General Off-Topic Chat.

Also the ads are fine.
Yes, because they are up in the hope that you do not, in fact, click them.
Something in the google ads TOS says you can not in any way tell or encourage ad-clicking.
I'm going to give this thread to google.. unless you give me 8888888 posts!
By the way, it's been a couple of weeks since the banner ads were put in place and now i barely notice them. You're right, Munro!
I keep seeing the one in the banner, but I don't notice them ones saying