New BlackSite: Area - 51 Trailer and Preview

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
New hands on preview and trailer at IGN. Looking at a PS3, Xbox 360, and PC release.

Set in present day, players take the role of a decorated military veteran charged by the government to lead a squadron of "secret soldiers," each with his/her own specialty skill set, into the Rachel, Nevada area to fight off the invasion of unidentified enemy races. The player's modern-day emotions and fears are driven into a world charged with grave responsibility affecting lives hanging in the balance and eventually finding himself torn between his professional orders and his own ethical standards. In the end, only the actions of the player and his squad can shape the outcome of BlackSite: Area 51 during this potentially pivotal moment in history.

Here's the trailer.

Nothing special, but it looks nice.

reminds me of resistance: fall of man
Wow, the graphics are more impressive than you'd expect. I'm sure the game itself will be a fairly generic above average shooter, worth a rental.
Looks alright, if there isnt any co-op i wont even think about getting it.
Area 51 sucked, no doubt this will too. The aliens look generic, the weapons your usual fair and it even has the rubbish turret come vehicle section. Yuck, count me out.
Never played AREA 51. Wasnt that the game that Manson did some voice over for?