New Brothers in Arms:Hells Highway footage

Holy shit, HAHA. That arty explosion completely caught me daydreaming away from the cliche soldier talk (not a negative thing) and made jump in my seat. Graphics look a lot better than the previous games, however I'm looking forward to seeing actual skirmishes with Krauts.
Looks like it's running at about 5 frames per second. Also doesn't look anywhere near as good as the magazine bullshots they showed early on.
this thing is still a piece of work though. The performance issues could be from converting it into video. Im sure any performance issues will be solved before they ship.
That was a damn nicely put together 'cut scene' :D
I loved the interaction between the soldiers...
Tossing a lighter over, and him lighting up his cigarette... spiffy stuff.
Content/Art wise it looks amazing.....technically wise, its got a long way to go, but their still probably learning the boundaries of the new unreal engine.....give it time.
Impressive but they need to work on the framerate.
The scene was nice but heck show us gameplay. The first game was so over rated it wasn't even funny.
This looks very interesting. And im rarely interested in ww2 games anymore.
at least this one is sticking closer graphically to the early screenies......unlike the previous game:hmph:
cant believe I had to watch 3 minutes of 99 nights before BiA video was that? the game would give me a seizure. I gotta say the japanese have a weird love for over the top entertainment

bia looked ok ..nice touch with the dust and the cigarette smoke but beyond that if the gameplay hasnt been updated then no amount of pretty pictures will make this any less mediocre than the previous titles ..and I bought the first one and rented the second cuz I really really wanted to like the game
Cool, looks great. I really enjoyed the BIA games. Heck, I'm still playing through Earned In Blood now. It's one of thoses games where I find myself frantically trying to figure out what to do behind a wooden cart as bullets whizz over my head and kick up dust around me. I liked that. Much better than a game like Halo or Half-Life where you can just walk around in the open and figure out what to do whereas in these I found myself clinging to every bit of cover I could find. The games are stupidly challenging on Hard, though.
Looks awesome. Playing through Earned in Blood right now, loved the first one to.