New Call of Duty 2 vid!!

it looked good except for a few things:

the guy seemed to carry like 15 grenades, 30 clips, and get hit 20 times without being fataly wounded.

also, the sound in the movie was really screwed up; I also noticed that in some parts the movie had a really low fps.
pretty impressive, wonder if the pc version will look that good ..atmosphere was great, although the enemy ai wasnt much of a challenge ...seemed to run straight at the player a few too many times ...reminded me of the horrible MoH pacific assualt
Hazar: I think that either he picked up medkits or got healed by a medic somewhere along the way, or he had god mode on...

CptStern I'm pretty sure it will.
WTF is up with those frames per second?
KU_ said:
WTF is up with those frames per second?

You mean how they are low at times?

Welcome to the world of beta games! :afro:

Microsoft hasn't even sent out finalized dev kits, so the guys at IW are workin on the game with only 2 CPU's and an x800 (either that or it was the beta of the new ati chip)... So it will get better, don't worry!
they arn't impressive if your fps drops to like 9 when the firefights start happening.
looks great but i hope it wont be just a graphical update, the ai didnt seem to show any 'situation awareness' or anything that was spoken about in the first press releases/dev interviews, death animations look recycled from cod, looks like a blast though, more of the same frantic action so if you liked cod you'll probably love this but if not it doesnt look like it'll will change your mind.