New Charlie And The Chocolate Factory trailer

Gene Wilder > Johnny Depp
The mention of Tim Burton sold it aaaages ago to me.
Also, feels like I've seen most of the film in that trailer anyway...
But I like the fact the squirrels are there. Never understood why David Seltzer changed them for geese...

EDIT: No-one saw that...
"Don't touch that squirrel's nut."
SimonomiS said:
Also, feels like I've seen most of the film in that trailer anyway...
Really? I find that they haven't given away much at all (aside from the glass elevator, which I'm surprised they put in the trailer), and the beginning parts
IonizeMyAtoms said:
Really? I find that they haven't given away much at all (aside from the glass elevator, which I'm surprised they put in the trailer), and the beginning parts

Yeah that was a weird decision. I guess everyones either read it or seen the other movie by now.
Actually...judging by todays youth I'm not sure if they will have read Roald Dahl...

Anyway, they show the moment Charlie finds the ticket, pretty much all the kids that you need to see (don't exactly require character development do they?), most of the edible place, I forget what it's called, with the chocolate river and waterfall, you even see parts just before two childrens comeuppance (falling in the chocolate river, squirrel knocking on head), you see all of the Oompa Loompas (Only glimpses before) and the boat. And they show what looks like the whole ending.
I'm exaggerating, perhaps I'm just bitter from the lack of singing and Gene Wilder. And I hate most kids nowadays.
Ugh. This was a British book. British, ya hear me! None of this 'candy' nonsense.
jondyfun said:
Ugh. This was a British book. British, ya hear me! None of this 'candy' nonsense.

Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker. ;)

EDIT: Nevermind - Roald Dahl was born in Llandaff, Wales, of Norwegian parents.
Looks like it'll be fun to watch...
Pity it isn't a musical though.
It just won't feel right without all the singing...
The teaser put my hopes really down. This trailer however has got me pumped. Tim Burton rules all.:E
Gene Wilder is pretty cool.


Movie funnyman Gene Wilder has attacked Tim Burton's choice of Johnny Depp to play Willy Wonka in upcoming film Charlie And The Chocolate Factory as a money-making ploy. Wilder, who played Wonka in the original 1971 film Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory, is suspicious of movie moguls' motives for remaking the Roald Dahl fantasy, and sees it as "pointless". He says, "It's all about money. It's just some people sitting around thinking 'How can we make some more money?' Why else would you remake Willy Wonka? I don't see the point of going back and doing it all over again. I like Johnny Depp, and I appreciate that he has said on record that my shoes will be hard to fill. But I don't know how it will all turn out." Despite Wilder's reservations, Burton insists his film will be closer to the original Dahl novel, than Wilder's musical version.
Harryz said:
Gene Wilder is pretty cool.


Well, admittedly it probably will be closer to the book, Dahl was quite unhappy with the old movie, a lot of it was changed and about 1 quote from the actual book.
Still <3 that movie.
Johnny Depp.. He looks so funny in that! I wanna seeeee.
Yes I read the book the squrril seen finnaly arrived :D

Ritz said:
Johnny Depp.. He looks so funny in that! I wanna seeeee.
Indeed, but it also looks somewhat weird. I dont know how but whatever.
Woot 200th post!
How very Burton-esque. Elements of it look like it could be really cool, but I think they've got a bit OTT with Johnny Depp's apperance in this movie. I mean the dude looks like a pedophile (not that there's a general pedophile look of course) and he spends the movie interacting with kids... how very odd.
Looks very charming and visually astounding. Tim Burton's visions are strange but they're very entertaining and creative. This movie looks to be no different.
Looks neat and all, but I think the original was fine. Seems kinda pointless to remake a movie like that. But its still pretty cool looking :)
Idonotbelonghere said:
Looks neat and all, but I think the original was fine. Seems kinda pointless to remake a movie like that. But its still pretty cool looking :)

Agreed. Why the hell does Burton insist on remaking good movies? First Planet of the Apes, and now this?

The only remakes that ever work are ones where the original was deeply flawed in some way. Like Ocean's 11 or the Thomas Crown Affair.

And what the hell is with Depp's lipstick and eyeshadow?