New CoD 2 Screens

Holy shit.

Those are the best yet!

This is my favorite:


Best models in a WW2 game that I've seen to date.
Because the soldiers are soaked in water from the beach landing/rain
so it wont be shiny all the game ?

if yes , phew
Nope :D (as in they won't be shiny all through the game)
Ah, I see the old 'DON'T STEP HERE THERE ARE MINES!!' signs are back. Realism at its finest.
DigiQ8: c16 and c17 is for Call of Duty 2 - The Big Red One which is being developed by Treyarch for Playstation 2 and Xbox... It is a totally different game, but people always confuse actual CoD2 with CoD2 - the big red one.... I say they change the name to simply "Call of Duty - The Big Red One" but it's not my call....

Those screenies look so hot :D
The game looks cool, but I am still not impressed until I see a gameplay vid and can see what it is like in the game, this is just a few shots to show off how pretty the game is.
Yeah, it's all about gameplay. Im thinking it'll be more of the same, nothing new... which isnt always bad, but in this case, its just flogging the dead horse of which is the WW2 theme.
^^^ 13 minute video of Pointe Du Hoc,fileinfo/filecatid,248/parent,folder/
^^^ 10 minute video of North Africa

Almost a half an hour of Call of Duty 2 footage... You can't beat that ;)

oldagerocker: People said the same thing about there being too many WW2 games and such when CoD was announced... Then it came out and amazed everyone. Plus, have you even heard of any of these missions? I've never played them in any game, they are new to me.
Yeah, the missions look great. The beach landing that involves the ladders and ropes looks awesome. I've forgotten that beach heads name, but its in the film The Longest Day when they have to take out the artillery bunkers on the cliff head. Man, I can't wait. Climbing the ladder, watching soldiers around me get gunned down from their ladders or have their ropes cut. Going... to be... awesome.

EDIT: Eh.. silly computer. That downloads taking ages. >:{
TheBleeding said:
Yeah, the missions look great. The beach landing that involves the ladders and ropes looks awesome. I've forgotten that beach heads name, but its in the film The Longest Day when they have to take out the artillery bunkers on the cliff head. Man, I can't wait. Climbing the ladder, watching soldiers around me get gunned down from their ladders or have their ropes cut. Going... to be... awesome.

The name of the location is Pont du Hoc.
The name of the location is Pont du Hoc.

Huzzah! I won't cancel this slow download after all then.

EDIT: Download stopped, the file is corrupted!? Bah.
C17 is from the current generation console game CoD2: Big Red One which has no relationship to the PC/NextBox version of CoD2. That site has them mixed together with nothing to tell you which is which except your own judgment.
jdufault said:
Aweseome looking, they looko much improved over the last shots!

Please in the next batch, turn on your Antrosphiric Filtering IW!

My personal favorite screenshot is this one:

My personal not favorite is:

I dont know why but in that screenshot those guys dont even look remotly as detailed as the other ones....

LOL you do realize your personal best/worst are from a totally different game right? AmpedNews screwed up and put those in there with CoD2 screens. Those are from Call of Duty 2 - The Big Red One, which is being made for PS2/Xbox by Treyarch. It has NO relation to Call of Duty 2 (in development by Infinity Ward) for Xbox360/PC except for it has a two in the name, and the setting.

C13, C14, C15 are the actual Call of Duty 2 screenshots! C16 and C17 are from a totally different game! (Not sure about C17... to be honest)

Man, I wish they would remove that "2" from The Big Red One... People keep confusing the two games! :(