New Conan movie in 2009


May 5, 2004
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62 has your first look at a teaser poster for Millennium Films' new Conan movie, based on Robert E. Howard's mythical conqueror Conan the Barbarian. The company said earlier this year that the new version will be more faithful to Howard's original creation than were the Arnold Schwarzenegger films

that's it, no other info ..hopefully it wont be as bad as Conan the destroyer or the horrid Kul with Kevin Sorbo
I'd like to watch this at the cinema with Stern. I think it'd be amusing.
I'd like to watch this at the cinema with Stern. I think it'd be amusing.

stern will be cosplaying like conan wawing his carboard sword in the air
So will Arnie star?

nah, he's no longer suited for the role (not that he ever was beyond physically)


<RJMC> said:
stern will be cosplaying like conan wawing his carboard sword in the air

QFT, and thanks I hadnt thought about a cardboard sword, it'll prevent me from accidentily hacking Samon (bring a shield just in case)
well that was shortly after he had surgery so he lost a little weight
Give the man a break, he's 60 years old.

Most people can only dream to look like that when they're 60.
I refuse to believe that picture of him isnt photoshopped, theres no way he could of lost all that muscle mass in such a short time-frame
They should let it die. WIthout Arnie, there is no Conan imho. (Unless of course it is animated--and not that lame-ass CG crap that passes for Beowulf!) Korgoth ftw!
They should let it die. WIthout Arnie, there is no Conan imho. (Unless of course it is animated--and not that lame-ass CG crap that passes for Beowulf!) Korgoth ftw!

there was supposed to be an animated version of Robert E Howard's Red Nails (author who created Conan)

Is that really Arnie now?

Yeah I heard that everything sags when you get older. Womans boobs droop down to their knees, etc. You would know this would'nt you Stern? Ohhhhh I went there! :p :D