New consoley goodness! (for me)


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Sup gayfaces :bounce:

So, I've got a bit of money spare and I'm getting kinda bored waiting for good new releases on PC and X360 (both of which are pretty much bust at the moment anyway). Sooooo I've decided I'm gonna look into another cheap console and check out some olda-skool games to tide me over.

The main thing I'm looking at is getting a cheapo second-hand PS2 and collecting all the games I missed out on for that (as well as a few oldies for PS1). I'd also like to check out Gamecube, but I reckon I'll probably get a Wii sooner or later anyway, and that'll cover not only Gamecube but all the other previous consoles, so getting a GC now would be a bit of a waste. Wii is sort of an option too, but not the most cost-effective one, and I'm waiting for it to gather a few more worthy titles first.

The other option I've considered is getting a hand-held system - that'd be either DS or PSP. At the mo I like the look of the DS more, though I've not played it, but I have played the PSP and it didn't do much for me. However looking through a couple of sites it doesn't seem the DS has a lot of titles that really scream out "must-have!", save for a few anyway. Would this statement be fair at all? DS owners speak up :) (PSP too).

Err yeah. I'm kind of loathe to make this post as they always annoyed me a little bit (the "I have money, tell me what to buy!" kind), but I trust you guys' opinions on gaming, and more than that trust that if you're like me then you probably haven't read this far anyway, so no harm done :P

Any opinions appreciated, ta!
If you get a Wii, I think it comes with the Classic controller, so you'd be able to go and buy some cheap-as-dirt-but-completely-awesome Cube games like Smash Bros and Super Monkey Ball [ed: there are more, but I'm too lazy to list them], and then just not leave the house for a month or so.

Plus you could play the new Zelda, and WarioWare, and Wii Sports, and Trauma Center: Second Opinion...

[edit2] I'm not a huge fan of the PS2. The only games I really, really liked on the system were GTA, Guitar Hero, and Katamari - granted, I've never played Ico or any of the sort, but not many of the titles scream out at me.
Heheh, how did I know the first post was gonna be pro-Wii :D

Just to clear it up though, I didn't think you could play GC games on the classic controller? I thought that was just for Virtual Console, and you actually needed proper GC controllers to play GC games? Not that I mind forking out a few extra bucks for a couple of those, but... I never really liked them personally =/
I think they plug into the Cube ports in one of the Wii side panels, so as far as I know it should work the same, or at least be compatible.

And I have nothing against any other consoles, I just happen to like Nintendo's games more :cheese:

[edit] Aha, a quick Google search shows that you sir are correct! It sounds kind of stupid, having to plug it in to your Wiimote. I'd just buy a 'Cube controller then. If you do, do NOT go third-party, they're all shit :P
The face in your signature compells me to agree with you.
If you get a DS, do yourself a favour and get Elite Beat Agents. It's the MOST BRILLIANT GAME EEEVVVVVEeeEeEeEeeRRrRrRRRRRR.

I personally wouldn't get a Wii until Brawl is out, but whatever floats your boat.