New Doom III screenshots from IGNPC.

I went to Gamespots site. Check out this quote about Doom3 in their news blurb.

Developed by Vicarious Visions, the game will be released only after id finishes the PC version, which has been in the works since the 20th Century.

Makes Doom 3 sound like DNF. :laugh:

[Edit]: Finally looked at the screen shots. I am glad I am going to play Doom3 on the PC. The X-box version looks ugly to me.
Those pics look pretty low quality graphics-wise so yeah they probably are from the Xbox version since it's still relatively early I think. Regardless it looks cool this is definately my most anticipated game of the year.
yeah, those aren't quite up to the standards graphics-wise that we've been seeing in the other screenshots. That must be the x-box version. Still looks pretty good though.
Excuse me while I DONT buy DoomIII for my xbox and instead play the Xbox version of Halo with my friends over LAN while idiots have fun getting killed by flying banshees online.
Wow, those look like everything else I've seen of Doom III... impressive... :|
Yeah, that screenshot stands out as the fugliest amoung the fugly.

Since Doom 3's relative low-poly-ness is supported entirely by next-gen tech, why would they cripple it by downgrading everything like that?

I daresay that HL for PS2 kicks those screens in the balls. Literally. :O
Wow, it looks quite shitty. Why even bother, the whole point of Doom 3 is graphics.
WooT! these are not PC screenshots, they are Shit.
Dux said:
Looking at those screenshots: can imagine how much they would have to cull Half-Life 2 in order for it to work proficiently.

And bloody hell, that screenshot makes a mockery of Doom 3's graphical prowess. Oooh PC, how I love you. /strokes

What did I just see?! That looks shjet! It's worse than the original Doom!! My eyes!! MY EYES!! The only way to have my vision back is to light seven black candles and bath in the blood of thousand virgins!
Y'know, now I come to think of it, those pics remind me of any modern game I ever tried to play on my old GeForce2 MX 400 and Celeron...
Maybe they decided to give pics for those with PCs that match the minimum requirements. If you're not a happy owner of AthlonXP 3.2ghz and Radeon9800XT, that's how the game's gonna look like :)
Seppo said:
Maybe they decided to give pics for those with PCs that match the minimum requirements. If you're not a happy owner of AthlonXP 3.2ghz and Radeon9800XT, that's how the game's gonna look like :)

If I owned any athlon that was running at 3.2ghz, I would scream with joy for having the fastest computer in the world.
Those screens are pretty crappy, that is why games with high graphics should not be ported to the XBOX or any other console, i could also rant about how FPS should also not be on consoles, but i will constrain myself.
Too bad the X-Box version, not the PC version, has Co-op mode... damn microsoft and its afilliats to hell.
Actually the XBox is capable of some pretty damn incredible graphics. That version of Doom3 is most likely quite early, expect it to look alot better as it furthers in development. Not up to a high-end PC's quality of course, but still quite good looking.
slicktick said:
Those screens are pretty crappy, that is why games with high graphics should not be ported to the XBOX or any other console, i could also rant about how FPS should also not be on consoles, but i will constrain myself.

it'll look fine on the Xbox 2 with 3 multicore 3.2 Gig cpu's and a r400 variant for the graphics card.

However those SS look like shit and I firmly believe that the Xbox version of D3 will be awful. I mean whats D3 without the graphics? There will be no immersion therefor ruining gameplay.
While the PC version looks good, i think that the low poly count of the models may get a bit tedious

Look at the big head in the front of the picture - it looks like it's made from about 30 polies and normal mapped to hell and back (pun intended).

I know D3 isn't meant to be anywhere near realism, but it may be something that annoys me as i play it....
Wouldn't you release and Xbox version too if it meant more $$$?
sabre89 said:
Wouldn't you release and Xbox version too if it meant more $$$?

Actually, no. I'd wait until a console arrives that could play the game better than the PC version. It would give me a chance to iron out any kinks, fix bugs, and get a few years of free playtesting.
those screenies are definately on the x-box. the pc version looks soooooooooooo much better.

damnit why cant the pc version have co-op :(