New Duke Nukem Forever Image


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score

Sry to say this but it just seems so silly to post media about this game for JOBS....I mean are they so desperate to hire people that they are trying to attract them with DNF hype?

Plus whats with the small as image..
hahah sweet
theyre finally gonna do it

I can't wait until this game comes out. I'm going to grab my grand mom's old x286 out of the attic and... push it to the limit.

Wait a minute... that image looks a little better than the Duke I'm familiar with. :drool:
Well that looks more like an in-game images than the supposed last one. Maybe they are actually getting somewhere with this :O
This is finally it? THIS IS ****ING FINALLY IT?! Oh GOD, please say so.

Slightly enlarged version.


The old pic.


OMG, two pics this year. This is good, real good. :E
Pretty sure the Duke one is a photographed action figure.
Pretty sure the Duke one is a photographed action figure.

George Broussard said:
In game shot.


George Broussard said:
I guess I'll reconfirm what I said last night. That's an in game, real-time shot of Duke standing in a random hallway. It was really done as a small teaser for a job ad on Nothing more.

I'm glad some of you enjoyed it, and we'll show more later as we start to wake from our slumber and decide how best to show the game off.

Lol, my mind is arguing with my looks like a toy!!! A toy holding guns and such. Oh well.
So because we have a pic of what looks like a toy means...we have divided by zero! Wow maths is easier than I thought.
Come to think of it, don't you believe that Duke looking like an action-figure would suit the game?
I do too o_O how can you stop caring, Duke will always be awesome.
Is Forever supposed to be a full remake of the main series (1,2, 3D), because I remember back to the forever trailer in 2001, that alien invasion look like it was commencing (same creatures from 3D), then there was a news snippet somewhere mentioning Dr Proton's return to the Duke series (from the 1st game).

What gives?

Futher backing up what I am guessing, is it a slightly larger pig-cop? Is that also the UnrealEngine3 that they using?

Is Forever supposed to be a full remake of the main series (1,2, 3D), because I remember back to the forever trailer in 2001, that alien invasion look like it was commencing (same creatures from 3D), then there was a news snippet somewhere mentioning Dr Proton's return to the Duke series (from the 1st game).

Have 3DRealms really talked much about the actual story of DNF? I've always seen it as a spiritual successor to DN3D though.

Much have probably changed since the E3 2001 trailer, not sure if Dr. Proton is even included anymore.

Is that also the UnrealEngine3 that they using?

What I've heard it's a heavily modified custom engine, probably the Unreal Engine or something. Not sure.
They don't make games like Duke 3D anymore, hopefully this could be a return to the good old days of PC gaming!!
Green, where? I see yellow :)

If anything, that picture of Duke looks like a pre-rendered shot
hahah, yeah, but I'd buy the game anyway, just so I can say I have Duke Nukem Forever. LOL

It could be fun. People always tell me, "better late than never" and I firmly believe in this philosophy in most anything.
DN Forever: 'battlin teh evil space aleens who is abducting r wimmun frum desert injun reservashuns into der zero G muthaships'

Prey: 'battlin teh evil space aleens who is abducting r wimmun frum desert injun reservashuns into der zero G muthaships'

I hope it is forever, frankly
man besides doom, and wolf3d, duke nukem was one of my first fps ever palyed... and it was freaking awesome...

DNF is gonna be worth the wait:E

