new eric johnson interview/screenies @ ign

Aftermath, not Aftershock... idiots...
"Earlier this year, a name change was announced giving Half-Life 2: Aftershock"

I don't even think Lemonking is that dumb....
Sounds awesome. I like how they are already working on episode 2. Hopefully the wait wont be as long as episode 1. Nearly 2 years is almost enough for a whole new game from a lot of other series.
Good interview!

"At the end of the Episode One there will be a short teaser for Episode Two. " - Great!

"In Episode One, the G-Man loses control of Gordon due to the rise of a third power." -'s not thank's to Kliener afterall?
One of the best interviews iv read from Valve. Very interesting and informative.
Yes, very good interview!
Nice screenshots, too - they don't reveal much (mostly shot in the same area), but they look good :)
Przemek said:
Yes, very good interview!
Nice screenshots, too - they don't reveal much (mostly shot in the same area), but they look good :)

I'm sure that was the intention, to not reveal too much that is.
It's a pretty good interview, but I only read the second page because all the questions on the first page are about the story, which I want to surprise me.
IMO it's gonna kick ass, especially since we're gonna get some more urban mayhem.
SixThree said:
Aftermath, not Aftershock... idiots...
Interestingly, I'm writing a story HL2 era (not main character driven though) story called Aftershock.