New ESA survey says that adults who play video games are also active and healthy.

my fingers are very active and healthy. funny how my WASD fingers are healthier than the others.
yeah I dont know where comes that stereotype of that the gamers are fat and stuff

I was more fatter before and I hav played videogames in all that time,of course I am not sayign tat videogames make me more slim, I think it was cuz I started to eat less
SearanoX said:
The stereotype comes from the fact that gamers are less likely to get proper exercise. I've actually seen few nerdy kids that are overweight, though certainly not as high as one would like to believe.

See, gamers spend all their time inside, so they're pretty healthy. It's the people going out all day and eating at McDonald's that are fat. :P
Good point!
HunterSeeker said:
A lot of true nerds (not all) forget to eat in my experience.

I often do that, so i have to make up for it later :x

but yeh, all my 'geekish' friends aren't fat, we're all healthy and we have good social lifes .. woot XD

but i went to one of the most popular lan cafes in brisbane the other day, and there was this fat guy i know serving .. a true geek i guess :/
I dont eat much at all, regardless. But still, thats pretty cool to hear.
To be honest if you play games all night, when do you have time to eat and get fat. Porkers have comfort eating. Us gamers have comfort fragging.

I play games daily hours at a time, gf permitting heh, I also swim at least 3 times a week.
My right arm is healthier than my left arm, but that isn't because of gaming.
Ye your so right. I mean all gamers are stable and in working order, I mean just look at this image. It proves it all :D

lePobz said:
my fingers are very active and healthy. funny how my WASD fingers are healthier than the others.

my WASD fingers are my guitar fretboard fingers!
i be teh healthier!