New F.E.A.R. screenshots

A few new screenshots in there. Very purty visuals. :)
it got pushed back to october? damn... i was hoping for another game to play this summer... guess BF2 is it
should be good for halloween though
I'm gonna wait for some reviews before I pick this one up. I wasn't really impressed by the game at E3.

The game looks like an updated Far Cry engine.
Might need to buy more RAM for this game. I'm currently at 768mb DDR.

Upgrade to 1 gb?
Yeah, I'd upgrade; won't cost much but with textures like that, there's bound to be a lot of memory usage :)

The game looks awesome.. does anyone know what technique is being implemented for the soft shadows?
In the beta, they had an rather odd soft-shadows, instead of the shadows blurring depending on the distance they're cast, they blur depending on how far from'em you stand, so if you stand like 5 meters away from it it's blurry as hell, if you stand close to it it only looks like 2 seperate shadows that're cast "upon eachother", doesn't look at all like the softshadows I've seen in several other techdemos where the shadows actually blurr like in real life, depending on the distance they're cast and the distance between the light/object.

The FEAR softshadows are seen in use in this screen
too many games too little time ...looks good but I wont be getting it till sometime next year (depending on reviews of course) ..unless an early release of Stalker pushes it back
Might check out some demo's, but at the moment, I wouldn't write home to mom about it. But saying that, I though the same thing about Farcry, and ended up loving that game (well all except the ending).
I'm quite excited about this game, it has the potential to be brilliant...... but then again, we could end up very dissapointed. I played the beta test mp version, and it was indeed pretty, but as one would expect lacking polish, and the fps issues were ghastly. But if those issues are sorted for the full release, this could be a big hit. Having said, i'm anticipating the release of stalker even more greatly

This game looks excellent, according to the preview at PCgamer (They played it), they say it has potential to be the scariest game so far. It would be great for Mack and Mesh. I can't wait.
3ssence said:
I'm quite excited about this game, it has the potential to be brilliant...... but then again, we could end up very dissapointed. I played the beta test mp version, and it was indeed pretty, but as one would expect lacking polish, and the fps issues were ghastly. But if those issues are sorted for the full release, this could be a big hit. Having said, i'm anticipating the release of stalker even more greatly

Yeah it could end up being a complete disaster. Everything we've seen from the videos suggest otherwise, but thats just the videos. I mean Doom 3's trailers were great but the game was very average. My only fear (sorry for the pun) is that the game will end up being too repetitive
Looks good - I'm personally not into human vs. human FPS games. I did like the website, however. VERY fast, kudos to the author.