New Fable Video

Jul 1, 2003
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There's a new Fable video out. It's another demonstration by Peter Molyneux. With this new video and the others that I've seen recently...the game has just vaulted itself to the top of my wanted list due to the replay value they're promising and the fact that I love these types of games.

Stream from

D/L here

or D/L here

The second 2 links seemed pretty slow to me... but streaming isn't what I wanted.

More movies that you might wanna check out can be found

He talks about controllers and other things mostly.. not really much about Fable itself. There's constant game footage rolling behind him though.
they scrapped the mp due to trying to get it pushed out the door... thats a damn pity to....

what if gabe did that LOL sorry we wanted to make sept 30. so weve done and scraped the mp (not a big deal) :burp:
I want 'The Movies'! :D

I made a thread about it, but apparently I'm one of the few. :o
The movies sounds very interesting. I best get this fable video, een though I'm not into rpgs.
/me downloads...
CyberSh33p said:
The movies sounds very interesting. I best get this fable video, een though I'm not into rpgs.
/me downloads...

This is definitely a more unique style of RPG than others. There's no turn-based battle where you do your attack for the turn and see what happens (I like that too..but you need a break every once and a while)'s all real-time. The combat system is said to be like Devil May Cry (For those of you that haven't played kicks ass). There are combos you can do and from the looks of it, in Fable there will be linked attacks.

From what I've can use anything as a weapon and upgrade it. They've used the example of a "Frying Pan of doom" or whatever numerous times when talking about the weapons and upgrade system.

I've also heard that the D-Pad is the device that controls gestures or sayings. I don't know if he was serious...but in an earlier video, Peter Molyneux talked about learning swear words from various people..and then you can assign, "Shit" to a direction on the D-Pad. You can say it different ways by holding down the direction at various lengths.
ex: Holding a while and letting go "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"

I guess what I'm getting at's all the little things that will make Fable great. I suggest you read up on it.
Still my favorite thing that has been said in regards to Fable (also posted in "Peter Molyneux about game design."):

He says he watched a 15-year old playtester chat up a woman in town who happened to be the mayor's daughter. He brought her gifts and flowers, talked to her all the time, started hugging and kissing her... and eventually they married and moved in together. Molyneux says he was delighted that a player was exploring this part of the game. Then the playtester talked to the Mayor and asked him to follow him. He took the mayor out to the woods, got him behind a tree ... and killed him! "Why did you do that!?" Molyneux asked. "I figured the mayor was rich, and he'd give all his money to his only daughter," answered the tester. Of course, now the daughter had lots of money, but didn't want to share any of it. So the playtester killed her, too. (Then he moved into the mayor's house!)

It's an example -- an admittedly morbid one -- of a player using the rules of the game world to do something unexpected and unplanned by the game's designers. That's emergence! Good world simulations, as Molyneux puts it, "allow people to discover things ... to push the boundaries of worlds." And they'll really extend the life of games in the future.
Exactly why I want this game. There's so many possibilities that you could do that don't really even involve the story.

Damn this is gonna kick ass.
So... what kind of controller do you guys think will be the next big thing? I thought that was the coolest part of that presentation because it kind of makes you think.
Styloid said:
So... what kind of controller do you guys think will be the next big thing? I thought that was the coolest part of that presentation because it kind of makes you think.

I thought that glove idea he was talking about for Black & White could've been really cool had it worked out.

I have no idea where controllers will be going next...I suppose it depends on how games change in the future as well.
The problem he mentioned with the glove has been fixed by another company. They (I can't even vaguely remember who it was) have a glove that has to have support built directly into the software but if your fingers hit a virtual object you feel them bump into it. You can wrap your hand around objects and feel their basic shape. There was a more complex one that even connected to a sturdy surface and would completely stop your hand if it ran into a wall or something. That would be an awesome way to interact with Black & White 2 (or 3 if the technology isn't ready for 2).

It has so many interesting uses. It could be a virtual keyboard for a laptop... a way to pick up, aim, and shoot/throw weapons in FPS's... a controller for sports games to give more control over the ball... an interface for a 3D modeling program... a virtual drawing tablet... the cure for cancer... etc.

Ok, well... maybe not the cure for cancer... but it is pretty cool! Especially if you combined it with VR goggles.