New "Falcon" chipset to reduce 360 production costs and reduce overheating.

This is exactly what I and probably a lot of other folks have been waiting for!! I read this and was very if only it doesn't come out too long after Bioshock and Mass Effect because I don't want to wait to play those for too long!!
I'm loving MS lately. Once they reduce the price, I'm sold. :D
I'll wait until this has been out for a bit and make sure they have actually corrected problems. I don't want to rush out and buy something that's still going to have such a large failure rate.
I'll wait until this has been out for a bit and make sure they have actually corrected problems. I don't want to rush out and buy something that's still going to have such a large failure rate.

I had 2 360s in my house (none belonged to me) and not one failed. They would crash once in a while but nothing too serious.
Don't let the failure rate put you off a 360. If it fails, return it for a new one. Mine died after a year of heavy use, the next day I had a brand new replacement.
My mate has had his 360 since launch and he keeps it in a closed space inside a cuboard. He plays it more or less everyday. You just can't let these things put you off sometimes.
Don't let the failure rate put you off a 360. If it fails, return it for a new one. Mine died after a year of heavy use, the next day I had a brand new replacement.

how'd you accomplish that? who'd you call and whose warranty did you use?

well it's the fact that we're all connected on the Internet now so word of mouth is FAR more.....far reaching then before so of course we're going to hear about more console failures. I've heard that one of the things going wrong in 360's is something about some cheap solder connecting to parts keeps melting from the heat. easy fix.
I would just echo what everyone else has said.

But then I decided to add something:

Nobody can beat me in the waiting game. Waiting for a price drop isn't hard because you know it's coming - it's just a matter of time.

When I was a little kid, I won the 'hold your breath' contest by a landslide. People rushed to the swimming pool because they thought I had drowned.

That might explain my philosophy on life.

Just when you are about to give in because you can't take it anymore, you have to remember, the competition feels the same way! You just have to hang in there a little longer.

Whether or not I get a 360 might be ultimately determined by a few things.


Forza 2 - PC
Gears of War - PC
Mass Effect - PC

And whatever else.

If they aren't announced or haven't come to PC before 2008, then I'd probably buy a 360 to play them. (Assuming it is much cheaper by then) I can wait for a long time, but if they aren't coming to the PC, then I have no other alternative if I want to play them.
how'd you accomplish that? who'd you call and whose warranty did you use?

I walked into the shop I bought it from (Currys) and they gave me a new one, no questions asked. I also kept the hard drive ;)

There was the option to send it back to MS, but the turn around is about 10 days and you get a refurb back, not a new machine. If you go for a 360 I suggest getting it from a local store rather than online. A few places offer insurance too - i'm paying about 20p a month for my 360.
If only they would throw in wireless and keep it the same price. Then I'd be quick to buy it. My PS3's included wireless has spoiled me :)
If only they would throw in wireless and keep it the same price. Then I'd be quick to buy it. My PS3's included wireless has spoiled me :)
Yup, that has turned me off too. That's why the PS3 is downstairs connected to the big tv and the 360 will be in my study for now...;(
VirusType2, you hear that? ... ... ... ... ... It's the sound of silence.:laugh:
No I can't hear anything. ;)

I don't get it. Is that the sound of me waiting for those games that will probably never come to PC?

are you making fun of my strange - 'maybe I was high' post?

I was about to put a disclaimer that I was about to post some weird shit, but I thought that goes without saying.

Though I don't get the 20 months without no pricedrop the article is referring to.. Here in Sweden I've seen stores where the 360 Premium is almost 25% cheaper now compared to launch retail prices.

Well, I don't know about you Swedes, but over in America, the launch price is still in effect... Sometimes stores will do a bundle or temporarily lower the price for a week or two, but they always go back up. Everyone sells it at the MSRP. So really, there has been no price drop, and until MS lowers their MSRP there won't be one either.
Ouch.. Well, for a comparison, at Stockholms(Swedens capital) most popular game store, whereas the Premium at release cost 4,000 KR, it now costs 3,300.. Just so you get an idea, that's a approx 100 USD..
So Gargantou, do you have a paypal account that we could use to get me a 360?
I do have paypal but you live in the USA right? Due to the low value of the USD it'd be cheaper for you to buy a 360 there, even though the 360 is for us Swedes 'cheap' compared to PS3 etc, 3300 SEK is almost 500 USD.. so..
We'd be able to buy it for 100, but pay 800 for shipping! \=