New Far-Cry Screens

Seen em before but I can't help but have another ogle! ;)

They are awesome. And I get to Beta test this game!!! :D
I am soooo happy! :)
When do all of you that got into the beta's get the game?
oddly, i find these pics to be a bit disappointing. i guess the over-sturated greens and hyper-lush jungle environments just grab my goat more than these interior scenes. the second one was also outside, i think, but it looks toned down somehow.. maybe it's just dusk or something.
Did anyone notice the small shadow glitch on the blue thing picture? His leg produces a shadow on the side of the platform which faces opposite of the blue thing. Odd...
In the HL2 vids the same thing happens alot. Meh, must be insanely difficult to acomplish if none of these guys can do it. Maybe its a DirectX glitch :P
The issue here is the screen is taken at an angle.. it's not straight-on, he's actually infront of the blue-glass thing, the beam isn't obstructing the light

Or, atleast, that's how it looks to me
This just in. Beta will be released next week to all testers in a week long roleout. That is all.
I sure as hell aint risking no fine!

But I am sure someone will leak it......

Don't actually think you will be able to play it even though though....
Its multiplayer only. And its likely only registered beta testers will be able to play.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I sure as hell aint risking no fine!

But I am sure someone will leak it......

Don't actually think you will be able to play it even though though....
Its multiplayer only. And its likely only registered beta testers will be able to play.
Hah. There'll be no-cd cracks, and servers that will work on the same type of cracks

IE. Halo doesn't work without a a CDKey, but I've seen no-cd server cracks and no-cd cracks for the game..

Anyway, it'll happen. True, the people with the leaks won't be able to play with the people on official servers, but I'm sure there will be plenty of leaked, cracked servers out there :)