New "Fast Edit" problem...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
When I edit, and that new window comes up instead of the advanced window..I type out my edit, and I hit Save..but for some reason, the save button just made the Edit part again, a little wider....I'm not quite sure what caused it, or how to recreate *I think I double clicked and it did it..* but yeah...

*EDIT* Click and hold the "Save button, move mouse off...keep holding Mouse1...and move back grows! D:

zEdit: Cor, bloody hell you're right.
Hmm, I'll have a go.. :p

Edit - Great Scott!! You're right!!
I don't get it. My "save" button just pops up and down as usual without resizing the area.
Lets see...

Edit: Haha, nice. Doesn't really affect much, but I guess it's a bug.
I've been getting problems sometimes where I click edit and nothing happens. I have to reopen the page/refresh and then the edit button will work again. It's been more of a hassle actually than it was the old way in my opinion.
I have Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050717 Firefox/1.0.6. I'll give it a try :rolleyes:

EDIT: You're right. It also becomes wider when moving mouse over buttons above the Edit window(Bold, Italic, etc.) :|
CyberPitz said:
*EDIT* Click and hold the "Save button, move mouse off...keep holding Mouse1...and move back grows! D:
Haha awesome, it does! :laugh:
I've gotta try this for myself

Edit: Well I'll be Gordon's uncle! It's true!
I want to try. :)

EDIT: That was rather amusing... for 2 seconds..
what are you talking about

*edit* testing, ahh yes. cool..
Hold on, let me try this.

EDIT: OH WOW! Its... growing! ITS ALIVE!
Pfft I already knew this like...yesterday, noobs.
Lets see...

Edit: Wow, it does. Interesting...