New Forceware Brings 20-40% improvement in FEAR when using AA

Woooo!! I can play FEAR with AA now! Thanks for the heads up Digi dude, I really notice a difference.
Must!.......................................................................................DOWNLOAD!...............................................................SAVE.............................................THE BRAIN!
Dumb Dude said:
Woooo!! I can play FEAR with AA now! Thanks for the heads up Digi dude, I really notice a difference.
you coundlnt play with aa before??????
I've never played with AA before anyway, so this won't affect me much.
Actually, he said on XFire that when he was playing online, he turned the AA off because you need every frame you can get.
Good heavens - I was still using 81 series drivers. Where have I been? Maybe now F.E.A.R. will play at 50fps instead of 30fps with everything turned on max. :E
Hmm - these drivers wouldn't let Windows start for me. Apparently (from feedback on other forums) there was some kind of debacle that affects some users?
first time i played FEAR with AA on properly! nice one. im only using a 6600gt at the mo