new gabe interview

bah.. alot of old questions .. I think gabe is getting sick of answering them.

Storm: Finally, the most important question out of all of these. Can you please tell us why you aren't able to comment when any question about the release date comes up?


Thats scary, but lets not start another delay thread here
Good interview...

Please don't post any threads regarding that last comment. It's boring me to tears.
ok this no comment about the release date is starting to make me wonder. are they behind and dont want to tell us? or do they want to be cool and surprise us like they did when they first announced hl2? WHATS GOING ON??!?!?!

sorry had to say something about it
Nobody knows obviously.

But it's going to be one of three scenarios
1) It's early
2) It's late
3) It's gonna be September/Very early October

I don't even have an opinion on what it may be in particular because I'm only gonna hear it from Valve, and if it is delayed: Que sera sera.
They arnt behind, if they were they would come out and say, we are behind, it is delayed period. They are professionals, they are not afraid to tell us that it is delayed. I think all of us are sick of hearing about this.

Storm: What is the maximum number of players Half-Life 2 can support in multiplayer mode?

Gabe Newell: This will be MOD dependent. I'm not sure what the absolute highest you could go. Sounds like a good test for a MOD team...
alb, why don't you post a thread about it?
With regards to the player limits in mods:

It depends on the mod in more ways than one. If it's a CS type mod then being able to have up to 32+ would be pointless. But if it was the right type of game for it, and we already know the maps can be much bigger, then 32, 64, 96 players would be quite good as long as it doesn't have too much of an adverse effect on the computer or the server.

Aren't the 64-bit processors in servers more equipped to deal with this?
my thread got deleted :bonce: heh wow theres a general lack of respect for others in this forum isint there...
<Realises what a manpon is supposed to be>
That's one of the things I love about this forum - maturity.
Especially in insults. Somehow "Your gay" doesn't quite cut it.
I was about to post this into the other thread but I was too late... so I'll paste it into this one:

Don't forget to take into consideration the size of the maps that HL2 can support.
You know someone will make a huge city map that will probably be able to easily handle 64 person teams without becoming a mindless massacre... people will see how far they can push the engine.

This would also help MMORPG mods actually accomplish the "massively multiplayer" part...
I would like to see a team make a nice 3rd person RPG with a system in which reaction times and aim don't matter as much (though I do like FPS games too)... something with a point and click interface as in Diablo (though with a bit less hack-and-slash mindless fast clicking) or a targeting system as in SW:KotOR. The server would not have as much precise action to keep track of and the bandwidth usage would be kept to a minimum... so it would be less laggy than a FPS mod.

The uncapping of the player limit doesn't force every mod to use 100+ player limits. It gives them the freedom to do as they wish... and what is great about the HL engine was that it could be modified to do almost any kind of game you wanted. This just expands the possibilities even more.
Cheer up! Have a bisquit!

/me hands out bisquits to anyone who wants
Maybe - I like the idea of the large city area/Urban Warfare thing. That's cool A Combine Vs. Resistance mod in that setting would be interesting.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Good interview...

Please don't post any threads regarding that last comment. It's boring me to tears.

Lucky, I'm crying myself a whole new river here...each tear is for each delay post. ;)
I had to look that word up, manpon. Google is my best friend. First I looked for images, but didn't find anything. Then i went for websites and found this:
after I read that, I was happy I hadn't found any images!! Good god.

The megabattle between Combine and Resistance sounds cool, but in the end it's just BF1942 set in a west-europeean city, without the planes and boats. Dunno if that's cool or not. Ok some (MMO)RPG elements could spice it up, but I'm not really a big fan of MMORPG after being dissapointed by Neocron.
OMG, the Urban Dictionary is priceless...

after the raping ewolf gave to cakes,nos,fox,and deek they all bought a box of manpons to stop the bleeding.

I just added a new description of 'flamewar' (there weren't any yet, can you believe that?!!) and it'll be up in 24h. I used an appropriate example based upon this forum hehe :) All for good larfs of course.
That 2 ghz 9700 pro getting 40fps everything max makes me want to take it up the ass!
I hope they are including high resolution + FSAA + AF when they say exerything is at max... then, with that system, if you turn those settings down just a tad you can get a good 60fps+ without turning off any fancy features in HL2.
And with a 9800 Pro it'll prolly run 60+fps on max. So basically that's the card I'm getting. Also gonna trade mobo's with my dad, he's got AGP8x and mine's only got 4x, he doesn't need that shit so switcharoony!! If I'm lucky he'll agree on switching cpu's as well, i got 1800+, he's got 2200+. Hope that's enough for HL2 full throttle tho. Guess it'll have to do.
I'm going to upgrade to P4 3.0C, 1GB DDR4000, and a Radeon 9800 Pro (if the 9900 Pro isn't out in time) at 8xAGP... that should be enough.
1gb of ram? I don't know what it is with people these days, but you don't need that amount of ram!! It hardly ever gets used, I promise you. Perhaps you guys like watching your system monitor that says:

968884224bytes of ram free.

Unless you run a server or if you run programs the need huge huge huge amounts of memory, you won't ever need 1gb of ram. Period.
Roach, the difference between the 9700 and 9800 is about a 5% loss for the 9700, and including the other stuff, that means you're fps will be about 44 :p
On tomshardware they showed in a big graphics cards comparison that the 9800 is the way to go (especially for games that are coming).
Besides, Gabe has a 9800 Pro, that's enough reason for me to buy me one.
lol schweppes

Gabe didnt even mention RAM. If you have the spec he said and.....maybe 1024ddr i bet you could get 60.

RAM dose boost fps....alot. When i upgraded to 512 ram from 256 i also upgraded my BF1942 fps by 40...... :D
If you think 1GB of RAM is useless you haven't compiled large, detailed HL maps...
Originally posted by OCybrManO
If you think 1GB of RAM is useless you haven't compiled huge HL maps...

well i dont know if that was directed at me but i know its not useless. Im getting 1024ddr in a month or 2
No, it was directed at this:

Originally posted by Ro@cH
1gb of ram? I don't know what it is with people these days, but you don't need that amount of ram!! It hardly ever gets used, I promise you. Perhaps you guys like watching your system monitor that says:

968884224bytes of ram free.

Unless you run a server or if you run programs the need huge huge huge amounts of memory, you won't ever need 1gb of ram. Period.
hmm, well never the less the more ram you have the faster your games load.
Originally posted by Ro@cH
1gb of ram? I don't know what it is with people these days, but you don't need that amount of ram!! It hardly ever gets used, I promise you. Perhaps you guys like watching your system monitor that says:

968884224bytes of ram free.

Unless you run a server or if you run programs the need huge huge huge amounts of memory, you won't ever need 1gb of ram. Period.

Sounds like all you do is look at websites, is your pc a e-mail toaster? Because us real gamers use 512MB-1GB.
I think Sigfreid and Roy need a box of Manpons.

Cinese food is to Soy sauce
Sigfreid is to Roy sauce.

Mike tyson is to;
Blowing 300 Million.
Richard Simmons is to;
Blowing 300 Mailmen.

God I love Late Night with Conan O'Brien.
Originally posted by Ro@cH
1gb of ram? I don't know what it is with people these days, but you don't need that amount of ram!! It hardly ever gets used, I promise you. Perhaps you guys like watching your system monitor that says:

968884224bytes of ram free.

Unless you run a server or if you run programs the need huge huge huge amounts of memory, you won't ever need 1gb of ram. Period.

I assume all you play is Quake 3 and HL1?