New Gametype: Battle Royale


Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
If you're gonna insult this idea, at least read the whole thing first.

Alright, I put a lot of thought into this idea. I'm gonna try to make this thread as interesting as possible. Let me start out with a fake update:

Fake Update

[-]September 18, 2009 - Left 4 Dead Update Released

Left 4 Dead has been updated with a new gamemode.

Added Battle Royale game mode
▪ One team plays as the Survivors, another team play as the Infected, and the last team play as Directors.

The Lobby

Let's start with the new lobby interface. In some ways, this is extremely similar to Versus Mode. Instead of there being two teams of 4. There's three teams of 4. When you join a Versus Mode lobby, you get to choose your Survivor, or if you want to start out as an Infected (which ever of these are left). A Battle Royale lobby however, will hold 12 players, where 4 players get a chance to start out as the Director.

The 4 players in the lobby who start out as the Director will have a crown icon.


Alright, we're out of the lobby, and into the game. The Survivors see only other Survivors. The Infected see both Survivors (and how healthy they are) and other Infected. The Directors... Oh boy, they get the sight of all sights, as they get to see ALL 8 Surviving/Infected players. The Director players also get to see how healthy ALL players are. The Directors even get to see other directors, as transparent yellow glowing orbs. Don't worry, even with 3 other director players in front of your view, you'll still be able to see through them.

As you could of guessed, the Directors can only spectate. They can go through doors, windows, destructibles, etc... They can't go through solid walls/brushes though.


You could say that Director players get the most complex job of all. They have to help both teams equally, sort of.

Sorry to say, just because you and 3 others get to be Director players, you don't get to spawn things at your own free will. Take a look at this picture I made, right here. Not the best picture in the world, but I'm just trying to give an idea of how things work.

See that loading bar? After each full load, the game will randomly choose what will be spawned (hordes, tier 2 weapon locations, second pistols, items, etc). The load choices will work in relation to the progress of the Survivors. It's possible for that loading bar to change what to spawn while it's loading.

After that loading bar hits full, get ready, because the circular yellow loader will spin around that crown image, and all players must click (or press their 'attack' button) when the edge of the circular loader is inside of their own glowing white strip.

More About the Yellow Loader

At every new load the white loading bar takes, the white strips on that loading circle change location on the circle. 2 up to 4 strips can appear at a loading time.

Every Director player will be assigned to their own white strip, they will be notified which strip is theirs because it will flash and glow repeatedly.

Now, for example, the image I linked you to shows the white loading bar loading a to-be-spawned horde, right? Well, when that white loading bar fills up, that's when the yellow circular bar starts to make its way around. If every Director player clicks on THEIR glowing strip at the right time (when the yellow load reaches THEIR glowing strip), then the horde (or whatever else that was to-be-loaded) will be spawned.

This seems simple, right? Don't kid yourself, the more effective that "something" that's going to be spawned, the faster the yellow loader will move, and everyone will need to have some decent reaction time.

Each successfully hit white strip will glow green for the whole Director team, as every missed white strip chance will be marked red. Unfortunately, if one player screws up, the whole spawn is screwed up.


If the Directors are able to spawn something, they'll get points. The more a director-spawned horde damages Survivors, the more points the Directors get. For every Director-spawned weapon/item a Survivor collects, the Directors get points.

So, if you decide to play favorites and help only one team, you're not gonna get your team enough points.

Team Rotation

Everyone will get a chance to play as the Survivors, Infected, and the Directors, thus meaning there's two rotations to be made per map. Here's how the rotation goes.




Back to Survivors


In terms of chatting and what not, the Survivors will keep their blue text. The Infected will keep their (new) red text. Spectators(?) will have their white text. Directors will have yellow text.


Someone could easily say, "All it takes is one Director player to play favorites and screw it up for the whole team." Well, this is true, but the same could be said about the other two teams. All it takes is one Survivor to friendly-fire the other three and ruin for their team. All it could take is one Infected to keep friendly-scratching his team/do absolutely nothing to ruin their team. So all three teams are in the same boat.

What All Can Be Director Spawned?

Note: All of what the Directors spawn, will be nearest to the Survivors.
  • Hordes (the faster the yellow moves, the bigger the horde)
  • Tier 2 Weapon Locations
  • Molotov and Pipe Bomb Locations
  • Second Pistol Locations
  • Random Health/Pill (or both) Locations
  • Chance of Propane/Oxygen/Gas tank spawning in specific areas

What Happens if the Director Team Misses a Spawn?

The Directors get no points, and nothing is spawned at that time.

How Are Teams Sorted?

Simple. Instead of "Your Team" and "Enemy Team", there is "Team 1", "Team 2", and "Team 3". 1 being starting Survivors, 2 being starting Infected, 3 being starting Directors.
hmm interesting, might be tough to find 12 people to play though. assuming they are decent.
What a terrible idea. I can't even begin to imagine how awful this game type would play 90% of the time.
I dunno if I like it... Sounds easily exploitable, and also that being a director can get a little boring.

I don't think playing as a director sounds fun.
I don't really understand, but is this turning L4D into a rhythm-action game?
It doesn't make sense either. In every other mode you are taking on the role of a character. You are playing as a person/zombie, but at least you are taking control of a real entity. There is no actual director character, it just doesn't jive with everything else that goes on in this game.