New here, and i really want to contribute!



Hi.. just joind

why did I join...
1- Because stupid UbiSoft destroyed the other FPS i loved, Rainbow Six :flame: , and HL2 looks like its going to revolutionize FPS.. and dam do they need a lift!

2- Because I'm looking to join a Mod team. I am a modeler, looking for simple modeling jobs, I desperatelly need something to do... I'm looking at the "tactical" type mods, so if anyone here need some help modeling anything, like guns, meshes, cars, or some other stuff.. im right here!

aight, rock on!
what did ubisoft actually do? i thought RvS was good...
yeah, RvS was.. good.. but nothing more.. i mean.. i was a fan of the R6 games, becasue everytime a new one came out, they had all these new things no one had tried before... but this one had no imagination put to it, plus the 1000000000 patches becasue the game had more bugs than windows... and now.. the Xbox will further burry what R6 was all about...
Welcome to the Forums! Try using the Search funtion, it will be your best friend :p
reading between the lines are we?
To the forums! Enjoyt your stay!
Put GRICKKLESNAP! in your reply to this thread if you see this
Hello's ! We eat Badgers for Brekfast.
Maxi, You do know that Grickklesnap is trademarked by me :p Thank you, that will be $5000

oh shit... can i pay in cadburys fruit winders? i have about 100 in a shoebox under my bed.

(no seriously, its true)
25 and you can have the rights :p
Desolator – first off I love you – and if it was physically possible I would have your babies!
I too once modded the glorious Rainbow Six franchise until Ubi buggered about with RvS and didn’t bother to release their ‘promised’ SDK for it. As a result I’m now here – modding under the glorious Valve-esk flag!
I’ve started work on a mod called ‘Reinstatement’ – a tactical FPS with brains – not unlike R6 (but with a few extra spicy bits!) – at the moment we only have three members (two of hum are composing tunes for the mod – so I’m the main modeler. We are after new people – particularly weapon modelers – check out this link for some early screens of what I’ve been up to (but note that they are quite old):

I’ve been working on a website for the mod over the past few days and hope to have it online next week – if your interested in helping out drop me an email – [email protected] and I’ll post ya some more info…

… what I mean to say is HI! lol
Silly, I just PMed you.. i would love to take part in your mod. thanx for the offer!
Hey, welcome man :)
Enjoy your stay!
Oh, and too bad SillyBilly snatched you, EoJ could probarly use a few more modelers.
Welcome.. Mmm, yessssssss.... More meat for the grinder.. Mmmmm

*cough* Enjoy your stay! :)
ok, you people are nuts...

but that makes it so much more fun!

Im still strying to figure out what some of those post mean... :(
Excrement!.. Desolator, I shall contact you later this evening. Ta!
wait.. THIS evening??? what do you mean, its like 12 am...?? maybe tomorrow