New Incubus Album - Nov 28th

I haven't even listened to A Crow Left of the Murder (sp?), save the famous songs. Not listened to Incubus in a while. Hell, I didn't even know a new album was out anytime soon, although it makes sense.

S.C.I.E.N.C.E is just pure awesome.
Incubus? Possibly one of the best rock/electric bands ever? I believe so but that is just me. I loved everyone of their albums. The last album (crow...) Didn't live up to the previous albums but I warmed up to it. but I'm truly excited for the newer album
Anna Molly is awesome in every way. I haven't listened to much of them (just A Crow... and Make Yourself) but this song is easily my favorite.
Apparently the new album is what Crow Left Of The Murder tried to be, and they say the songs in Light Grenades are exactly how they wanted their previous album was supposed to be.

We could be seeing the side of Incubus that they have always wanted to portray over these years.

Still think 'Make Yourself' and 'Morning View' are their best far anyway hehe.

Anna Molly is by far one of their best songs to date though, up there with Drive, Pardon Me and Megalomaniac.
I think that "A Crow Left..." is their strongest and most interesting work, and coincidentally my favorite. Anna-Molly is a good song, but it follows the typical single structure and leaves some to be desired (but you can't blame them, it sells). Also, just IMHO, if you think Pardon Me, Drive, and Megalomaniac are the best out of their whole catalogue, you really need to pay attention to more of their work than just the singles.

...sorry, I'm kind of an anti-single nazi. I'm not accusing anyone of doing this, but I just hate it when people claim a band as their favorite when never having heard anything but the singles. Singles are typically a watered-down gateway into a band's music, showing you a taste of their sound but still following a common format to be sure it doesn't stray too far into unfamiliarity and sell poorly. They're just the tip of the iceberg and should really persuade you to listen attentively to an album.
Well honestly i just mentioned those songs simply because people here that may be thinking 'who the ***k are Incubus anyway?', may have their memories jogged by these 'singles'. Ive yet to meet, for example, a guitarist in his early years that didnt know how to play Drive. I only mentioned those songs as they are most likely to be well known all around.

And i dont think those are their best songs anyway. Personally my favourites are:

Wish You Were Here
Summer Romance
Are You In
Here In My Room
Talk Shows On Mute
Southern Girl
The Warmth
I Miss You
Make A Move

And one or two from SCIENCE such as
New Skin
Idiot Box
Deep Inside

Simply because im not really into THAT heavy of music.

I dont base a band on singles released. Im an Incubus fanatic. I dont buy albums for ONE song, i buy them because
1 - I love the band
2 - Youre supporting them by buying the album

And i agree, singles dont show the band for what they are, and that each single is a 'taste this' of the whole thing which may or may not want you leaving more, and also that singles are just a 'make some money before we release the album which has the song on it anyway' approach. Its all marketing.