New info.


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
If you have purchased a copy of Half-Life 2, we are sorry you are still waiting to play. This is not Valve's choice. Vivendi is insisting that the game has not yet been released, and has threatened that Valve would be in violation of its contract if we activate the Half-Life 2 Steam authentication servers at this time.

Thanks for your patience and we will update you when we have more news to share.

Now plz people stop posting about a early release. We all new this was the case.
Vivendi can f*ck themselves. They're the ONLY ones who want to keep it from being released early.
Pretty extraordinary statement for a company to make against its own publisher! So Valve went to release, fired up Steam, and got the phone call from Vivendi to STOP RIGHT NOW?
Good god, Valve get fcking rid of Vivendi, they ****ing suck
This is a contract, Vivindi are not assholes, this is madatory with everygame. Why the hell do you guyz hate Vivindi? There helping HL2, Tribes, and F.E.A.R. come out for us.
Oh well at least we had hope for a little while. I'll just go play some opposing force and deleted scenes until Tuesday.
seriously.....Vivendi nees to take their foot our of their arse and let us freaken play!
**** vivendi seriously, that only shows how they give a **** about Valve or HL2, bunch of morons, they should make arrengments to make computer stores open tomorrow to sell HL2, and activate it.
I will make it I think. :) I've been waiting 6 years..
Lmfao Everyone back at bashing and flaming vivendi got to love it.
Well, if there is anyone out there that still doesn´t have HL2, just go and ****ing buy it from Steam. Don´t give you money to Vivendi.
wtf do they mean "vivendi is insisting the game hasn't been released yet" tons of stores are selling the game
Hmm, so Vivendi is the badguy again? I dont know really, and i dont care anymore, im okay with the 16th unlock, but it seems to me that Valve plays the innocent while VU's taking the blame for everything. Again.
vivendi fking assholes! LET US PLAY!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!! YOU STUPID FKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People are paying them for software they can't use... what the Hell?
Admin_Winnuting said:
vivendi fking assholes! LET US PLAY!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!! YOU STUPID FKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vivendi cant read this,write an email 2 vivendi !

You are in high school. You just spent all of last night studying for a huge exam. You feel okay about it, but you wish you had another day to prepare.

You wake up, and you look outside. There's a foot of snow on the ground. You also live in San Diego, California. So, you're thinking, "Great! School is going to be cancelled!"

Likewise, a number of the teachers and professors are thinking, "Great! I get the day off!" (maybe not true). So, pretty much everybody in the entire district agrees that school should be cancelled. Except one person. The superintendent.

It's his job to ensure that students are attending classes, sports/organizations are running smoothly, keeping test quotas up, and making sure that he's receiving funding to make it all possible. He wishes he could close school too. But it's an enormously hard decision for him to make, because calling school off would require him to inform his superiors, require him to notate the event in a plethora of records, and require him to take full responsibility should anything go wrong with the event. If all the snow suddenly melts by midday, he'll look like a fool, and his job will be on the line.

So really, decisions like this ultimately come down to one person, if not a small board of members who are concerned about their jobs, and the reputation it would stigmatize them with. The fact is, people have become so intolerant of mistakes, that they will accept no excuse for failure in delivering the product early. Valve/Vivendi does not want to risk setting a precedent of releasing games early. Or else, all you high schoolers will be expecting school to be cancelled if it starts hailing.
Weird... what happened to all the valve hate threads?

Maybe they were on our sides all along... some people just couldn't see that.

Contractual obligations most likely prevent valve from speaking out against vivendi in situations like these, which is why the news post was in a very neutral tone.
absolutely ANY publisher would have done the same thing. steam is costing vivendi millions of pounds... imagine how many people have ordered off steam? ALL of those sales vivendi have obtained NO profit. if i were vivendi, i would have taken valve to court... hell yea! i dont want them nicking my money!
worst.public.relations.move.ever award goes to vivendi!
There you go, people. Smart move.
DrunkPanda said:
wtf do they mean "vivendi is insisting the game hasn't been released yet" tons of stores are selling the game
They want every software store in the world to have it in stock because they are afraid that they will loose more money to Steam in places where it is not yet out.
Hmm... very odd that a developer rants so openly about their publisher on their main news platform.

Furthermore, I don't think VUG are assholes (not for this at least) because Valve and VUG signed a contract, period. HL2 is not widely available in retail yet and this would be a great stimulant for people to go Steam.
Well i just wanna say a big THANK YOU to Valve for letting us know what's goin' on!! :cheers:

Oh and yeah......[jumpsonbandwagon]screw VUG.
when they announced the release date "nov 16th" everyone was like YAY WOW VALVE RULE and all that..

Now it is only a couple of days aways and people are getting so annoyed because it isn't out 2-3days BEFORE the release date!?!?!!?

It isn't like they are delaying the game or anything. it is still set for 16th nov!!!
VU is lame. Pictures are all over the internet but they just won't admit it.
Come on... The release date is the November 16th. Why would some people have the right to play the game because Best Buy released it before the street date? Don't flame Vivendi because they are doing what every other companies would have done. It's a contract people. We all wish that we could play the game now, but it's impossible. If they said the November 16th, it must be the November 16th. Not before, not after. We are talking about three days.
bam23 said:
VU is lame. Pictures are all over the internet but they just won't admit it.
Admit what?

All you people are DUMBASSES.

It's called a CONTRACT. You can't just go against the contract and release the game. Even if everyone in the world including all of Vivendi and Valve wanted the game to be released, they couldn't do it.

Now stop talking about the issue if you don't know the whole story.

God damn, Raziel has a point, you people aren't listening.
Hell, I just wish VU would have released Nexus here in North America now instead of in February.

vegeta897 said:
Admit what?

All you people are DUMBASSES.

It's called a CONTRACT. You can't just go against the contract and release the game. Even if everyone in the world including all of Vivendi and Valve wanted the game to be released, they couldn't do it.

How the hell does that make any sense? If major chain stores are selling it and if Valve wants to release it now over Steam then obviously VU is the only one stopping it. It's called logic. Contracts can be broken if all parties agree to its nullification. Dumbass.
vegeta897 said:
It's called a CONTRACT. You can't just go against the contract and release the game. Even if everyone in the world including all of Vivendi and Valve wanted the game to be released, they couldn't do it.
Of course they could release it if everyone wanted it. Normally you can play a game as soon as you pick it up in the store. The point is that Vivendi doesn't want to loose any more money over Steam because there might be some places that don't have it yet. Some people in those places that would have bought retail would buy through Steam to get the game sooner. If retail were the ONLY option for purchasing the game, it wouldn't matter if some stores sold it early because those people in places where the game isn't out yet would have no choice but to wait.

It still makes me mad at Vivendi and I believe that they will soon go out of business for upholding obsolete business practices by holding back a product.
commando said:
when they announced the release date "nov 16th" everyone was like YAY WOW VALVE RULE and all that..

Now it is only a couple of days aways and people are getting so annoyed because it isn't out 2-3days BEFORE the release date!?!?!!?

It isn't like they are delaying the game or anything. it is still set for 16th nov!!!

Yeah but for the average joe like me that walked into Best Buy today just to look around, and I see that its just sittin on the shelf, not knowin that it was released early. So I get home and install it and boom "comming soon" wtf i just spent money on a game that I cant play. Is that my fault?
Wouldn't you think though that VU and Valve would have some type of 'contingency' article in the contract that would protect VU from loosing too much money that way? That was a question, not a statement :cheers: .

Gossoon said:
How the hell does that make any sense? If major chain stores are selling it and if Valve wants to release it now over Steam then obviously VU is the only one stopping it. It's called logic. Contracts can be broken if all parties agree to its nullification. Dumbass.
Is that right? I didn't know that :eek:

Well anyway, it won't be released early. Vivendi doesn't want it, and there is no way they can be convinced in less than 3 days.

For all you Vivendi haters, some people at "that one site" called Vivendi and left a message. :)

Video rental stores like Blockbuster and Hollywood have the same issues. The stores receive new-release movies at least a week in advance, and they are kept in the back because there is a release date set by the studio. While the store has the ability to rent out or sale the items before that release date, they are contractually obliged to keep them unavailable until that date, and it is the responsibility of the store to uphold that.

Now if there are a few select stores that don't mind taking the risk and breaking that agreement, it is not the fault of the corporation. Valve may want to go ahead and push the button, but it is completely understandable that Vivendi says no. Rogue stores that are illegally making the game available for purchase before the release date do not justify saying 'screw it, let's just go forward with the worldwide release'. The problem originated at the distribution level and that's where it needs to be addressed. Yeah, there are going to be a few pissed off gamers that had no clue about the release date or steam authentication, but that is neither Valve's fault or Vivendi's.

Just wait 2.5 more days and take out your frustrations on the Combine. :cheers: