New intel dual core or LGA 775 ??

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matt jonz


Was asking anyone's opinion on which CPU i should get.

650 Intel Pentium4 LGA 775 CPU 3.40Ghz 800FSB HT 2MB Cache with Intel EM64T Retail


Intel Pentium D 830 Dual core 2x3.0GHz 800FSB S775 2x1MB cache

* Dual core is fairly new to the market * and am i really gonna need a dual core for gaming?
you don't need a dual core for gaming as there aren;lt any games that really take advantage of it, unless you plan on playing a game and watching a movie at the same time, and even then the hyperthreading on the regular P4 will do that just fine, games really utilizing the dual core probably won;t be out for at least a year or so, and even then single core processors will still work great, personally I wouldn;t risk it on the dual cores, but if you really want to then go for an AMD dual core and not an intel

actually, you should probably go for an AMD anyway if you can - especially since you're looking at 64bit processing
i made the mistake if going intel with my most recent computer and now i have to wait for a bit before i have the cash for an AMD mobo and CPU
I keep changing my mind on what to get AMD or Intel ... think i might just risk it and get an AMD :P

i'm not 2 familiar with AMD so what model should i get. ..AMD64 ?? xpsomthing or other lol

Thx for the help btw plz reply to that question if u can be arsed :P :P
if I were you I would get X2 amd .................
AMD uses better technology... get it. Here are a few articles
This, seems the most useful article though, about Dual Core, or Dual Processor, AMD over Intel anyday though. -

Those should give you the final decison. Intels seem less reliable from what I have scimmed through in those. If you could afford it, Dual Core would be good, because, well, you wouldn't have to upgrade again. Make sure your motherboard can handle what you are going to take, its not just like you can buy and install. Motherboards can only run certain processors. Here are some other articles if you aren't satisfied.

AMD 64 bit for sure though. (This one would be good to read) (Kinda like this post)

I thought AMD had Dual Core, and Intel had Dual Processors, am I not right?
matt jonz said:
nope intel's new dual core ..

but i think i will now go with AMD instead of Intel ! never had AMD so this should be fun lol

quick noob question :)

any AMD motherboards support DDR2 ??
sadly none do yet and i think it's still a couple months before ones that do come out, but DDR still works great and it's not gone out of style, don;t let that stop you from going AMD
Yeah go AMD =p

DDR2 is not better than DDR...yet. Not to mention AMD's memory system is much better than Intels.
I know your already dead set on AMD, but correct me if i'm wrong, aren't the LGA775's the processors that are impossible to remove from the motherboard without breaking them? It was supposed to be like, a security measure or something by intel.
No but they have a higher chance of wear/tear when removing and inserting into the socket since the pins are in the socket instead of on the CPU. Motherboard makers really didn't like that Intel forced the part that breaks the most (the pins) onto them.
AMD also run at cooler speeds, so less chance of getting to high of a temperature.
yep i am deadset on AMD, ordered the AMD 939 4000+ "San diego" for a nice small price of £281 :D :D

also gettin
Asus A8N deluxe NF4 SLI motherboard

have decided on a gfx card(s) yet thou :(
matt jonz said:
yep i am deadset on AMD, ordered the AMD 939 4000+ "San diego" for a nice small price of £281 :D :D

Where did you get it for that price, thats like £55 off overclockers price!
i work for a computer company, i can get things cheap from ingrammicro and people like that ...