new ipods and itunes

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Dec 10, 2005
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ok so itunes 7 is amazing, you can now browse the album covers like you would your own real colection of records.

but what is up with the new ipods? the nano looked so much cooler before!! now it just looks like a tiny mini, i guess it's kind of cool, but i prefered them before.

also, the new shuffle looked incredible, untill i realised you need a special dock and cable for it, so you can't really use it as a memory stick without bringing the cable around with you. that was a main pro for the shuffle imo, it doubled as a USB memory stick.

your thoughts?
I think a lot of people liked the iPod Minis. Probably why they changed the nano's that way.
iTunes makes me songs sound like a broken CD now for some reason never had this problem before
iTunes makes me songs sound like a broken CD now for some reason never had this problem before
A lot of people are getting that. It happens to me when I play games or other media while iTunes is playing. For me, it goes back to normal after I'm done though.
hmm, fine for me, but it seems to hate my ipod, i get update fails, but i'm sure they're getting error reports in the truckloads and will probably have them fixed in a day or two.

i like the new shuffle, but the usb stick thing is an issue.

the mini was the best selling ipod, i guess the old nano was failing. i think people like the colours. i watched the add and am now filled with an overwhelming urge to get one. I. MUST. RESIST.
this was already posted about in the hardware/software section......
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