New Keyboard for typing to you guys!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well, lets start this with a story. I had a glass of water on my desk. Unknowngly, I went out with friends. Well, bastard cat gets on desk, knocks glass of water onto keyboard. DOH. Keyboard is acting really funny, obviously. So I get a new keybaord at Best Buy. Pretty expensive, but I like this one enough. Now enough chit chat, ON TO THE PIX!

That's sexy. I recommend cooking your cat alive for its treachery. The tails are quite delicious when cooked right.
if you lower the ISO on your camera, they wont be so grainy :\
if you lower the ISO on your camera, they wont be so grainy :\

I don't know what an ISO is, and the reason it's so grainy is because it takes bad night pictures. I have to keep it REALLY still..and I have shakey hands :(
I don't see what the purpose of glowing lights is for your keyboard. My monitor washes my entire body in a healthy glow in a pitch dark room. Keyboard too.
I don't see what the purpose of glowing lights is for your keyboard. My monitor washes my entire body in a healthy glow in a pitch dark room. Keyboard too.

to look cool of course. same thing with cathodes in a pc case with a window.
I almost bought that keyboard, but I opted for the G15. That Eclipse looks all sorts of awesome though.

/me wants red LEDs
You bought a keyboard just to type to us!


ooo look at the pretty lights!

I had the original Saitek keyboard with lights. I kind of regret buying it since I don't type looking down anyway.
Why is it flipped around in the dark shots? WHY?! D:?
Why is it flipped around in the dark shots? WHY?! D:?

Because the only way to get any sort of decent shots of it is the camera staying COMPLETELY still in teh dark. I had it propped on my yeah.

And it was $70. I think it's completely worth it...ahh I love how this keyboard types and feels...damn.
Wtf have you exactly done to your desk? D:
What if his cat was playing cs, guarantee its a camper
Wtf have you exactly done to your desk? D:

It's about 5 years old..that's what I did to it. :(

And by the way, the pic was sig'd danimal! I had to lose the BF2 stats though. :( Darn 1200 character limit...would be nice if they didn't include BBC code :(
That's been in the making for so many years, I vote it as fake or cancelled.

LIES! I want one :(

I now have an extra flat Logitech keyboard, with really low keys, so more like a laptop keyboard. It types wonderful.