What a plain subject, EH? I wanna get a new keyboard and my search just brings up tons and tons. I was curious to which keyboards are good for games, or which keyboard is simply a great choice. Make a suggestion if you know.
Its not nice to look at but its wonderful to type on. Each key has different "push-pressure" so you dont need to push so hard on the edge on the keybord (your not as strong there as you are in the middle)
My friend has one of those indestructable rubber keyboards that he swears by for death matching.
Though whenever i see those at like comp USA or something and there is a demo out for it, usally it's torn in half. So I think their "indestructable" claim only invites disaster. Just like the titanic, god sees it as a challenge and has to put man back in his place.
Personally i go with my logictech wireless keyboard, gives me the best responses i've had with a keyboard.
PS. Apologies to any titanic survivors on here, i know it must have been horrible. Two annoying teens thinking they're in love and running all over a sinking boat getting shot at! ::shudders::