New Laptop Resolution Issues


Jun 11, 2007
Reaction score
Just got a new XPS M1710. Most pictures displayed on IE and icons are shown in low resolution. The screen's resolution is set at the highest setting. Any help?
Just to make sure you know, the higher resolution you put the desktop at the smaller icons and things will look on the screen.

'Lower resolution' with the icons and such just happening within IE? It's a new laptop so I'm assuming it has Vista, correct?
Nope, it's got XP. It only seems to be affecting images, as videos are fine on it. The edges of the icons and pictures are just really rough, and it's not only for IE.

Notice the smaller icons and the pictures.
So you are running at 1900x1200 (Native)? Did you just crop the picture you posted or did you also resize it?
Just cropped. It looks exactly the way it does in the picture.
Have you tried changing any Icon settings? I think there is one under desktop properties but it is just Size. Others would probably be under taskbar properties.
Color set up to 24/32bit?

Im not really sure what is going on.
Nope, it only affected the icons on my desktop, and those were fine before.