New Maddox article (on Sony and PSPs)

I really, really love the following:

Maddox said:
In fact, PSP sales are part of the reason Sony expects to lose $1.7 billion dollars in their gaming divison by March. That means that I and anyone else who makes any money at all between now and March (or at least manages not to lose more than $1,699,999,999.99) will officially make more money than Sony's gaming division. I rule.
yup, he also bashes the upcoming PS3. That settles it I guess. Wii all the way.
yup, he also bashes the upcoming PS3. That settles it I guess. Wii all the way.

You're giving up on the PS3 because a pompous jackass tells you a system he hasn't even played sucks?
I form my opinions on what other people think, I have no mind of my own. I will make sweet love to you Jeremy.
I don't think there's anyone I'd rather meet than Maddox.

That sounds REALLY lame, but trust me it's for all of the right reasons. Maddox is some mysterious guy on the Internet posting about random stuff in an awesome way; I don't know anything more about him than that.

The media gets into the lives of everyone worth meeting in the World so you don't care about them anymore. This guy....there's just something about him that makes you want to know the person behind the text.
I like his articles, but I, for some reason, can't stand people who base their opinions entirely on them. If it takes nothing more than a clever turn of phrase and a witty insult to sway your decisions on how to spend your time and money, perhaps you should reevaluate your actions.
yup, he also bashes the upcoming PS3. That settles it I guess. Wii all the way.

You're giving up on the PS3 because a pompous jackass tells you a system he hasn't even played sucks?

I like his articles, but I, for some reason, can't stand people who base their opinions entirely on them. If it takes nothing more than a clever turn of phrase and a witty insult to sway your decisions on how to spend your time and money, perhaps you should reevaluate your actions.

I can't stand reading what he says anymore, its all sooo stupid.....
He definately doesn't have the robust appeal he had years ago..but still funny IMHO.
The picture is vividly true, atleast.

But I wonder, if PSP sucks so much, where'd he get the model to display the image on?
What truely rules about maddox's harsh humour is this image.

The picture is vividly true, atleast.

But I wonder, if PSP sucks so much, where'd he get the model to display the image on?

Probably bought it with the thousands he has made from t-shirt sales.
Probably bought it with the thousands he has made from t-shirt sales.
Yeah. But then again, he can do what he wants, cause a pirate is free. And he is a pirate.
You're giving up on the PS3 because a pompous jackass tells you a system he hasn't even played sucks?

No, but many of his followers will, which is sad. In fact, I never planned to buy a PS3, an Xbox 360, or a Wii. Although I might buy a Wii depending on the games.
Maddox is so boring, it was funny back in 2002, but ffs, WE GET IT YOU HATE STUFF

People who worship Maddox really are sad though, he's a dude with a goatee that compares things in life to either cocks or shit
Part of my post professing my love for him came from after reading some of his older updates on his site in 2002 and 2003.

I don't argue he has lost his charm, but I still like most of, if not everything he ends up posting.
somehow this is news to everyone? it's a good article, pretty much lumps together everything about sony that sucks ass. the lik sang issue is tragic.
I think Maddox lives in Utah, pretty sure I've been to some big college LAN's with him, but never met him in person.

Haha, don't know if I ever would.
Plays BF2142 too I think.
Plays BF2142 too I think.

If people over at here can get so annoyed and frustrated over something so little like in-game ad's I'm quite surprised Maddox, the guy full of silly hate for silly things, hasn't wrote a '**** you EA' topic yet. Odd, but I can see it happening.
Maddox is so boring, it was funny back in 2002, but ffs, WE GET IT YOU HATE STUFF

People who worship Maddox really are sad though, he's a dude with a goatee that compares things in life to either cocks or shit

Agreed. I still read maddox though because a lot of his articles make sense and are funny once in a while. I now follow Tucker Max. He is a man with real skill that deserves worshippers.
If people over at here can get so annoyed and frustrated over something so little like in-game ad's I'm quite surprised Maddox, the guy full of silly hate for silly things, hasn't wrote a '**** you EA' topic yet. Odd, but I can see it happening.
MAIL HIM! He'll totally do it.

Yeah, I considered it was a photoshop, but you can see subtle reflections in the screen... unless he really wanted us to think he has a PSP. But then he'd probably just put up a picture of someone taking an actual dump on it, if his words were to retain any sort of validity.
I agree whit the article

however mgs4 is the only reason to me to buy ps3 and sure is the only sony lifeboat
MAIL HIM! He'll totally do it.

I dunno, I don't think I could take being called 'gay' or a [penis joke here] by him for e-mailing a request. :( I'd be way too offended, and my head might explode from the originality.
I dunno, I don't think I could take being called 'gay' or a [penis joke here] by him for e-mailing a request. :( I'd be way too offended, and my head might explode from the originality.
Be safe in the knowledge that, secretly, he loves the attention ;)
Maddox is so boring, it was funny back in 2002, but ffs, WE GET IT YOU HATE STUFF

People who worship Maddox really are sad though, he's a dude with a goatee that compares things in life to either cocks or shit

But I like that, I can relate to it... sadly.
Agreed. I still read maddox though because a lot of his articles make sense and are funny once in a while. I now follow Tucker Max. He is a man with real skill that deserves worshipers.

Tucker Max never ad any talent or funny to begin with, only good thing about his popularity is Slow Children at Play

He's got some really funny stories...

*edit: He talks about being able to bang chicks like it's breathing air to him, but a bunch of his stories are ****ing funny.
Great article. Sony does suck, and I fully endorse anything that states it.
Even though Sony may suck badly, from my limited knowledge of Japanese law, I believe that there is a standing law that makes it illegal to sell Japanese hard/software outside of Japan, unless it has been accordingly rectified.