New Mobo/Proc/Case - clueless these days - HALP


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
HI halp life2. My computer frizzled. Keyboard, mouse and monitor are the only survivors. Power surge that even ****ed my surge protector. Needless to say, I can't stay on a Macraptop.

I have a $3000 budget and want top end stuff.

Need: High end i7 board, 8gb of ddr3, top of the line gfx card (AMD or Nvidia here), a high range i7 processor, 2x 1tb drives for RAID0 setup, and a case with above average cooling that is manageable size - air cooled and quiet.

Thanks for any help

with love and admiration,

Your local bi-polar headcrab
With a 3k budget you can put pretty much anything you want into your new build.
I would recommend these though
This case
Core i7-2600K with matching mobo of your choice
2 Radeon 6970 or 2 GTX580 in crossfire/sli
G.Skill 8GB DDR3 RAM
~100GB SSD(for OS +most played games)
2 WD 1tb HDs
800W+ power supply

Even with those components and anything else you need you should be landing under $2000.

That case is really large, but the cooling is awesome. You would also want to get a better CPU fan but those aren't costly.
Don't need an 800W PSU. I'll say it for the billionth time in this subforum: wattage is not the most important figure in a PSU. What's important is the 12v rail(s).