New Mod For Beginners


Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score
More and more now I see people wanting to join mods who are beginners and want to get experience, but are turned away by the mod team. The only reason is because they are beginners.

I'm going to turn that round and make a mod where the less experience you have, the better. Don't worry if you haven't worked on a mod before, it won't make any difference, as long as you will be 100% committed to seeing the mod through to completion.

This is no joke, I am deadly serious. If you are a beginner in any field of modding at all (from scriting/story editing to programming) then I want you! If you show commitment and responsibility, there is no limit to where we could take the mod, and how much your skills could improve.

So beginners, join now, PM me telling me what you can do, I and will get back to you very soon.

Thanks for reading, username
Although I'm not interested in joining, it does sound like an excellent idea. This sounds like a great starter for young programmers and artists. If I may suggest, though, is for the team-lead/game designer to get settled on an idea first. It's amazing how game ideas clash and how much it can hinder development if one person disagrees. Good luck on getting a team, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would need this to start getting experience. Just make sure not to try and make the mod perfect, it's definitly not going to be. And stick with something simple!
Didn't someone post the exact same idea awhile ago?
Well I'm hoping to get a co-leader, and then we can think up some ideas, and when we have a small sized team, we can decide which idea is best, then we can recruit more beginners. Although any help is good, I need a co-leader who has many ideas first.
im wondering - is this the same guy that wanted a team of 'up to 50'...seems like a good idea cos everyone needs to start somewhere and people seem to shun noobs (baaaad thing too)...i might be interested in this if i can find the time...
Well.. I have a feeling this will never see the light of day.

If you're a beginner, learn a lot before you join a mod team.
ComradeBadger said:
Well.. I have a feeling this will never see the light of day.

If you're a beginner, learn a lot before you join a mod team.

Not sure if that was aimed at me :dozey:

Im not a beginner to mapping but ive never been too sure of the logistics of modding etc...always felt that the only way to learn is to do (unfortunately, not many mod teams feel the same way).

I can accept the reason that they want full dedication and good quality though...
Well if you're not a beginner to mapping, apply to a mod team with your maps, and then you'll learn about how mods work :)
What if you're not a beginner, but maybe not good enough to join bigger mods (Insurgency)? Although I doubt many people will join without any idea of what you're going to do/website etc etc.
Well I'm happy to prove the critics wrong and announce I now have

A coder
a mapper
a story editor
and a webmaster

we are working hard on the idea atm, so don't flame me.
k. thats cool. Will this be that food fight mod? or was that another person?...
the easiest way to learn is come up with an idea people love, get a basic site, get a team that love the idea and learn from them while managing the mod and inputting whatever you can, but i love the idea !
err wtf sabre? you answered back to a question pointed at username, not you. and i see that username started this thread, and he also started the idea for the food fight mod. so who the *@$! are you?

stop replying to stuff that isnt being asked of you.
Sathernut said:
err wtf sabre? you answered back to a question pointed at username, not you. and i see that username started this thread, and he also started the idea for the food fight mod. so who the *@$! are you?

stop replying to stuff that isnt being asked of you.

didnt think that there could be more than 1 member in a team eh?? You really ARE new to this mod thing right...if not... i worry about you :flame:
username said:
The less experience you have, the better. Don't worry if you haven't worked on a mod before, it won't make any difference, as long as you will be 100% committed to seeing the mod through to completion.
The less experience the better? Count me in. I don't know anything about modding but I'm itching to get involved with mapping & modding. I've already heard about this idea from Sabre but I wasn't aware of this thread until now. sounds like a top idea to me. Nice 1.
Yep, its a quite good idea. I hear that the team could use some concept artists and 3d modelers. So if you are interested, just pm one of us... :)
yes but i wasnt asking you sabre. and it isnt a diff guy. username was the same person who asked about food fight mod.

anyway whats this mod be about?

i could map. maybe.
and maybe texture, and a bit of coding and modeling..
We are currently in the planning stage and have a strong idea, still building the storyline. Can you send me any examples of your work?
right now, we are in the design phrase. we don't need more mappers as we have 4! but if you provide us with a sample of what you have done (no it doesnt have to be any good) we will take you into consideration. But you did flame one of our members........
Sathernut said:
yes but i wasnt asking you sabre. and it isnt a diff guy. username was the same person who asked about food fight mod.

I apologize for getting my info mistake...still feel that your reaction was a little excessive...if i can help respond to a post, i will if i can and i could so i did
okies im sorry to everyone i did flame a tad huh?

And yeah i didnt say i WILL join the mod if i could just saying i might have wanted to but im kinda making my own mod atm so...

you look like you have put together a good team username. can you post saying the people you've got and what they are doing im just curious thats all.

also do you guys have a webpage?
Just a quick bump, now have 8 people on the team with more interested! If you are a beginner, join the team today! We already have the storyline nearly finished and are working at it every day.

Remember no experience necessary, from programmers to modellers, if you are 100% commited to making this mod, then PM me now!
yeah, but no mappers, sorry, that positition is filled
this is what all of the trade schools are doing - they're making mods in their courses, very cool stuff
is that....(gasp)....even the smallest hint at a compliment and positive outlook on our mod?? Thx! :cheers:
sorry for the double post. we now have leader, coleader, writer, 4/5 mappers, 1 coder, and a modeler. Let's see who can tell whats missing in that list.... A texture artist. So if you're a texture artist who wouldn't mind making textures for models, give one of us a buzz or a pm...
dassbaba said:
this is what all of the trade schools are doing - they're making mods in their courses, very cool stuff

I would love to do a course on HL2 modding. It's a bit specific but you could do so much with it. I could realise my dream of making my own game/mod :angel:
Deleter, sent you a PM.

*EDIT* My idea: Martial Arts mod. No one has ever done one before...least from what I've heard.
CT-got your pm, A note to all, we pretty much have a full team now. If you think you have something to bring, by all means apply. :D
whats AWOL? o.o

and can we make a version like, there are no zombies, cuz my cousin rly wants to play it, but...hes scared of zombies. And so am I...stupid the dark especially. ><

*EDIT* whats the name for the mod?i can start making website. :bounce:

*EDIT 2*names i thought off the top of my head:

Rise of the Resistance
The Combine Returns
Combine Betrayal (not sure about this one. ><)