new monitor-> strange resolution problems

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Bought new 19" crt today, and i have desktop in 1280x1024.
I played cs:s before in 1152x864; but when i started it up with the new monitor, the screen buttons and the player names just seems exploded to 5 times the normal size :s Also the screen is off center :(
I've tried everything, and 1280x1024 res to play cs seems nice, but there also the buttons and the player names/button boxes are way too big.

Can anyone help me out here, cause those big player names are really annoying :s?
would it help to put my display res lower?

TRx in advance

i had the same problem , what you need to do is up the anti aliasing to maybe 1-2 to higher then what you got now , once your done that set your game to your desktop resoloution , close the game ropen it , set back to the desiered game res you wish to use and your away. hope it helps
In the meanwhile if found a solution in the steam faq, but i'm gonna try this one too. now i have forced the game to open in 1280x964 (in game startup options in steam itself)

ty for replying exodusuk's!